Chapter 111

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"I might not remember things, but I'm not a liar..." she smiled at him.

"Well, that is true...." He smirked leaning in to staring into her eyes. "You have amazing eyes..." he told her touching her eye lids.

"What are you doing?" she tried not to squirm.

"Your eye liner. You always do it so perfect." He moved his hand to her back pulling her closer to him moving his hand up her shirt to take it off.

"Bruno...." She said softly into his ears. "I always remember when I'm with you...."

"What does that mean?" he looked at her a bit confused.

"Like..." she paused. "You're being so stupid!" she pushed him. "I'm trying to seduce you."

He leaned into her kissing her passionately, deeply and lovingly pulling away from her. "All you had to say was sex, baby. I would have said yes." He lifted her shirt up throwing it to the side while her legs were wrapped around his waist leaning into her collar bone kissing it while she moved her hands through his hair closing her eyes feeling everything that had happened in the past week go away. She moved her hands away from his hair moving to lift up his plain white t-shirt ignoring the sweaty cigarette smell as the shirt fell on the ground.

"It's like nothing has ever happened..." she told him softly feeling him move his head up so she could kiss him.

" drive me crazy saying those things...." He lifted her up, keeping her around his waist making her laugh a little as he sat down the corner end of the sectional couch sliding off her sweatpants watching her kiss all over him. "You planned on this..." he looked up at her seeing a pair of her silky boy shorts that he loved.

"I might have." She smiled at him.

" are so beautiful.: he said sweetly watching her throw herself back as he moved down the end of the couch holding her tightly.

She smiled at him looking up at him. "The book..." she said to him remembering a gag gift that his sister had bought them on their anniversary.

"What the hell..." he shrugged his shoulders.

"The couch one...." She told him remembering the page of the book.

He lifted her up hugging her tightly feeling them match each others breathes. "Just stay right there...." He told her reaching around her to the piece of paper on the table.

"What are you doing?" she asked him a little frustrated.

"If I don't write it down now I'll forget." He said to her throwing the pen away from her leaning in to her kissing her again. "I'm done. I promise." He let her go watching her lean her body back exposing herself for him to see everything. She moved her body so he would be right inside her. She moved her arms against the couch almost like a tricep dip closing her eyes has she moved her body in a rhythmic motion with him. "Ohhh, Marlaaaaa...." He moaned as he moved his hand down touching her so her legs wrapped tighter around his waist. He bent down as she moved with him still closing her eyes feeling his lips against her neck moving up to her lips. Her body shuttered as his lips touched her so lightly that she felt the sparks between them just as they were when they first met.

"Oh fucccckkk..." she moaned catching her breath.

"I'm going to get you there...." He whispered in her ear touching her hair pushing it back so he could see the eye liner he had just commented on. "You're so amazing." He said as she moaned his name feeling her falling back releasing all the tension she had built up from the last few days. He lifted her up moving her to the back of the couch taking control of the movements with her hearing the same moans inside her ear as he laid his body on top of her letting go of all his own stress. He laid his head on her shoulder feeling her hug him tightly moving her body so they could feel their heartbeats together

"I like it this way." She told him breathlessly.

"I like it too." He told her kissing her cheek laying his head back on her shoulder. She closed her eyes laying her head on his feeling a tear fall down her cheek. She moved her hand quickly to catch it before it hit his head. He felt it hit his head. Do I say something? He thought to himself hearing her heart jump a little feeling her emotions. "It's okay, Marley. It's okay." He told her softly. She closed her eyes crying even more as he moved her a little moving her head watching her open her eyes. "No matter what happens, Marla, I will always be with you." She nodded her head still crying.

"I just don't know why..." she said looking down grabbing her shirt and underwear handing him his clothes.

"No one knows..." he said wrapping his arms around her tightly. "All I know is that I will love you forever, no matter what happens." He said sweetly trying not to cry.

She looked at his red eyes as he put on his clothes. "When you run out of tears, that's when you get better."


Dear Marla.

You never stop surprising me. I can't even explain you some days. Today I spent most of the day in the studio, writing horrible songs that won't even get to Phil they're so bad. But, then, you came to see me. Have I ever told you how much I love it when you do that? Because I do. You told me that everything goes away when we're together. I hope that's true, because I want everything to go away for you. I want everything to be perfect, just like you. I wrote a song after you went to sleep. I think you'll like it. I love you, Marla.


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