Chapter 4

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Marla ran to her car to get a few things to freshen up before the main event. Renee did come and got very giddy at the thought of her 13 year old daughter meeting a new celebrity.

It was cute and Bruno loved taking pictures with all of them.

Renee asked Jaime if she could use her office to get dressed. Angie joined her as they got dressed. The two spoke about the rest of Marla’s field placement and getting ready for the event. Nothing else came up. The tension of the event was mostly in the air.

Marla added the curl she had lost to her hair, added some black eyeliner, pink lipstick and then finally her heels.

“Oh, Angee….look at what I found at the bottom of the buyer’s box….”

Marla handed Angie the folded Auction sheet.

“Give me your phone…” Angie knew Marla would be too shy to act on this overt sign of interest.

“This is Marla Gonzales from the Mama Earth Charity Auction Gala. This text is to inform you that you are the winner of items, 39, 455 and 763.”

“Really Angie? Come on. How cheesy. Adults don’t do that.”

“What? It’s cute.” Angie told her.

They opened the door to go to the event. There were several people walking by the door, one of which was Bruno who happened to be receiving her text message that very moment.

He took her hand gently and with the other motioned her to be quiet.

“What are you doing?” she asked him. “I have to…”

“I do too….” He pressed his lips against her lips and kissed her deeply without asking. She had no idea what she was getting herself into, nor did he.

“You’re beautiful.” He finished.

“You have a little red on your lips, right there…” she took the tip of her pinkie and wiped it off his lips. 

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