Chapter 61

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February 2016

Marla turned her body in the bed feeling her daughter’s body against her. ”Oh dang…” she said softly feeling only Rosie’s little body in the bed. She looked over to the other side of the room seeing Bruno’s back facing the closet trying to decide what to wear. She got out the bed quietly walking behind him. She put her arms around his waist laying her head on his back. ”You should probably just put on some clothes.” she laughed at him pulling his hair gently as he turned around to face her.

”Marla…you’re so beautiful. Even when you just wake up.” he told her kissing her lightly.

”When did you wake up?” she asked him.

”Like an hour ago.” he answered pulling a shirt from a hanger putting it on.

”How did I not hear you?” she asked him.

”I couldn’t tell you. I was too busy trying to get our daughter off of me.” he smiled taking her hand leading her to the kitchen.

”I know… it’s a bad habit. One day she’ll sleep in her own bed.” Marla told him.

”I don’t mind it…it’s when we have more than one that it will get a bit weird…” he told her.

”But we can’t find the time to have more than one if she’s always with us…” Marla winked at him.

”Oh….you are smart…” Bruno laughed at her.

”But I don’t think there’s really a rush for that.” Marla told him. ”I mean…you’re leaving in three days and everything…so there won’t be any babies.”

”Three days is a long time…Rosie didn’t take that long to make…” he smirked at her leaning down to kiss her again.

”Bruno! I haven’t even taken a shower! Or brushed my teeth.” she told him pulling away.

”Ugh. Fine. Whatever. You win.” Bruno said watching her walk into the bedroom taking off her shirt to take a shower. ”But you’re going to do that and not let me kiss you?” She turned around, shrugged her shoulders and closed the door. ”Damnit.” he said loudly. He heard her laugh at him through the running water.

”Daaaddd..I can’t sleep. You’re being too loud.” Rosie moaned.

”Oh shush.” he told his daughter laying on the bed kissing her on the head. ”Get up, birthday girl. We have brown pancakes to eat.”

”Pancakes?” she asked him.

”Of course. Let’s go, beautiful.” he told her picking her up carrying her into the kitchen.

”Daddd…my medicine..” she asked him.

”Oh..yeah…here, Rosalia…” he found her medicine handing it to her. ”Daddy…when will I be able to stop taking these? They taste bad.” she made a disgusted face making him laugh remembering that he would make the same face when he was a child.

”You’ll have to talk to your mom about that.” he told her watching her swallow the pill. ”Ready for pancakes?” he asked her. She nodded her head trying to get on the kitchen island. He picked her up sitting her on the island. He handed her the eggs letting her crack them. ”Don’t get the shells in there, mama…” Bruno said watching her crack the eggs perfectly. As he helped her stir the mixture Marla leaned against the wall watching them. She felt all the memories from her daughter’s last birthday flooding back. She felt herself start to cry turning around to make sure she didn’t interrupt the father daughter moment.

”Mamaaaa!” Rosie exclaimed. ”Come help!”

”Finish with your dad. I have to get us ready for your party…” Marla answered her daughter. Bruno looked up at her smiling at her as she turned around to carry a handful of things into the backyard. She sat down on the bench looking at their pool feeling lots of memories coming back to her. She felt the past year fly through her head, the good parts, the bad parts, the parts she still struggled to remember…all of it. She sat there for what seemed to be a few minutes. She felt a hand touch her shoulder shaking her out of her memories.

”Mar?” she heard Jamie behind her.

”Oh..yeah..sorry..I’ll be there in a sec…” Marla said standing up feeling her daughter run toward her.

”Mommmm….” Rosie handed her a plate of pancakes. ”I made them…”

”I know, mama..they’re delicious.” Marla said sitting down next to her sister in law and daughter.

”’re getting so big. You’re going to be bigger than the boys soon…” Jamie told her niece.

”I’m younger than them, silly.” Rosie answered.

”Oh my goodness. She is so you, Mar.” her sister in law said.

”Oh, I know.” they girls laughed watching Rosie run toward her toys flopping her long curls around over her pajamas. ”How did he not get her dressed?” Marla asked.

”She wouldn’t let him.” Jamie answered.

”Rosalia Diane..let’s get you dressed for your party please. You have a very pretty dress to wear..” Marla ran over to her daughter picking her up making her laugh. They walked into the house to lots of noise and music playing as everyone started to arrive for her daughter’s birthday party. Marla looked around trying to identify all the people in the house. ”Come on..let’s get you dressed…” Marla put her hand on her head taking a deep breath to gather herself. She was still a bit overwhelmed by all the people they knew and had invited to the party.

”Mommy…are you okay? You look sick again…” Rosie said walking to her mother. ”Because I get sick sometimes too. I don’t want you to be sick too…momma…mommmmmm!” she screamed watching her mother’s eyes glaze over. Bruno and his sisters ran into the room hearing Rosie scream.

”I’ll be right back…” Marla said standing up. Bruno held on to her as she stood up walking her to their bedroom.

”Mar…is everything getting blue, baby?” Bruno asked her. She shook her head laying on the bed covering her head.

”It hurts…” she told him turning around starting to shake again. Bruno sat next to her laying his head near her ear.

”Marla…please…please…it will be okay…Marla….” he started to whisper to her looking at the clock making sure that she wasn’t gone for too long. Not two minutes later he heard her make a noise opening her eyes.

”Quit freaking out, Bru. I’m okay…” she smiled at him. ”A little sore..but I think I’ll be okay..”

”’s too fast..there’s too many people…I knew it…it was too fast….” he told her.

”No..I’m fine. Let’s go…” she stood up rubbing her head steadying herself by holding his shoulder. ”I’ll be fine. I remember everything..I was helping Rosie get dressed..” she said walking out into the living room seeing all the younger children playing with a video game. Rosie dropped her controller seeing her parents coming into the room.

”Mamaaaaa….te quiero.” Rosie said hugging her mother.

”Happy birthday, baby girl.” she said hugging her tightly.



Today was Rosie’s 4th birthday. 4 years ago today I was in a hospital with you screaming at me saying that you were going to leave me because of all the pain I put you through. Marla, you were so funny. I can’t even describe what your face looked like. I will never forget that day. It was one of the best days of my life. Most of the best days of my life involve you, though, Marla. I hope you remember that you light up my life as much, if not more, than anything in the world. I love you.


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