Chapter 52

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Bruno walked into the hospital room carrying a tray of Marla’s favorite breakfast food watching her looking at the tv. Please be okay today, please be okay today, please come back Marla…please…he thought to himself walking in the room.

”Good morning.” she smiled at him.

”Good morning.” he said sliding the food in front of her.

”Do I like this?” she asked him.

”You only like it because I make it…” he told her smiling as he handed her a fork looking at her arm seeing the IV gone. ”Does your hand feel better?”

” hurt like a mother fucker when they took it out.” she answered watching him run his fingers along the small band aid on her hand. For a second everything was perfect. He felt like everything was back to normal and he was just taking care of her.

”Peter…” she looked at his hand.

”Tell me about your tattoos…” she asked him.

”Oh..umm….” he ran through the background of six of them stopping her before he talked about the last one. ”And this one…” he said pointing to a small on his back. ”Matches yours…” he said pointing to her ankle.

”When did we get those?” she asked him.

”We got them last June…before the wedding.” he told her touching her bare feet making her smile.

”Tell me about our first date…” she asked him again.

”Hmmm….do you want to hear about the bad first date or the real first date?” he asked her,

”Tell me about the bad one.”

”We went to your favorite restaurant…you ate the fish…and I ate the same thing….and we talked for hours until they closed…”

”That doesn’t sound bad. It sounds beautiful.” she responded to his description,

”You didn’t call me after.” he finished the story.

”I don’t know why I wouldn’t have called you back…it sounds like it was a nice date…” she told him looking at the doctor walking in the room.

”Mrs. Hernandez..we have your mri right here…and your eeg here…” he said sliding a chair near them. Bruno held onto Marla’s hand squeezing it like he always did when something scary was coming her way. She pulled her hand away not sure how to react.

”Do you see that white spot there?” he asked pointing to a small region at the top left of her brain.

”Yeah…that’s not good…is it?” she asked.

”No ma’am…that’s the area that was most damaged’s just about burned out. And this part at the bottom…” he pointed to another white spot toward the bottom of her brain stem. ”This is what we’re most worried about…this is where all your deep seeded emotional memories lie…”

”And that’s white too….” she said in a sad tone.

”It’s quite remarkable that these are the only two areas damaged…” the doctor said.

”Will it get better?” Bruno asked.

”With lots of work.” he answered him. ”Lots of cues and lots of family to help your wife remember she should regain most of the memories…”

”I’d like that.” Marla answered.

”And we’re going to keep you here for a few more days to make sure your medication levels are safe…” he told her.

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