Chapter 56

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”Bruno…we need groceries…” Marla said with her head in the refrigerator digging through the leftovers take out boxes they had.

”Well…let’s go get groceries then…Rosalia…come on. Get your shoes…” Bruno told their daughter who was sitting at the kitchen table coloring.

”But I don’t want to go…” she looked up at him pouting.

”You’re not big enough to stay here….” Bruno told her.

”I’m 3! I can do it!” Rosalia told him.

”No mama….you need to come with us. We’ll get you some ice cream if you come with us…okay?” Marla persuaded her daughter.

”Okay..but it has to be the pink one.” she answered talking about strawberry ice cream that she loved.

”Well..let’s goooo…” Bruno sang dancing with Rosalia.

They got in the car turning the music up ridiculously loud. Bruno started singing to Marla and Rosie making each of them laugh.

”Wait…” Marla said hearing a song on the radio. ”I know this one….dance, dance, dancceeeee….now make that hammer timmmeeee….” she sang loudly out of tune this time making Bruno laugh with Rosalia.

”Mama…you can’t sing at all.” Rosie told her.

”I know.” Marla answered giving Bruno a sad face. ”That’s your dad’s job. My job is to….”

”Mom’s job is to be amazing just like her daughter.” Bruno said touching her nose and then reaching behind him to kiss Rosie after he parked the car.

They walked through the store picking up the items Marla had made a list of without anything exciting happening. Rosie ran up and down the aisles making people give Bruno and Marla dirty looks. ”I don’t care..she’s not hurting anyone…” Marla told him steps behind her as she grabbed onto a box of huge candy bars.

”I want these..I’ll eat them all…” Rosie told her parents.

”Rosie…you have your whole life to eat all those. There’s no need to eat them all now. You’ll get sick.” Marla told her taking a hold of the box.

”Nooo…I want them…” she yelled back. Marla took the box handing it to Bruno to put back on the shelf. Rosie watched Bruno put it back on the shelf grabbing it again.

”Rosalia….that’s not nice at all…come over here now…” Marla told her daughter. She sat down in the middle of the aisle holding the candy bars in her hand.

”I’ll get her…”Bruno told Marla.

”’re too soft. I’ve got it.” Marla answered him. Oh shit…Bruno thought. She’s back today…he watched Marla get down on her knees talking to Rosalia. ”Rosie…I need you to get up right now. Or else we’ll find you a little spot over there…”Marla pointed to the back of the store by the milk. ”to think about it for a little bit…” Rosalia shook her head holding onto the candy. ”Well…let’s go then…” Marla said picking her up with the candy in her hand kicking her legs crying making a big scene in the aisle. I don’t care. Marla thought sitting down with her daughter near the milk and yogurt. ”You need to stay there for 3 minutes, okay? We’re right here...” Rosie stuck her tongue out at her mother as Marla picked up the candy handing it back to Bruno to take back to the shelf.

”Shoot..will you come over and teach me how to do that?” a mother walked past Marla.

”It’s not easy…” Marla answered watching Rosalia kicking a free standing freezer with her feet.

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