Chapter 94

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A few minutes later Bruno pulled the car into the studio parking lot watching Rosie run to the door. She turned around almost begging her father to open the door. "Come onnnnn...." she whined. Bruno looked down at his phone unlocking the door watching her run into the recording room jumping in the spinning chair.

" careful please. Remember when you bumped your head?" he asked her.

"I'm big now. That won't happen." she said. "Dad...what are we doing?"

"You're gonna sing...because that's what you like to do...right?" Bruno asked her.

"Yeah...but what do I sing?" she asked him.

"I have a song for you..." he said singing something that could be a song on a children's movie. "Do I need to sing it again?"

"No. I know it." she said. "But it has to be perfect, dad. No mistakes." He nodded his head pushing her toward the microphone.

"Ready mi Corazon?" he asked seeing her nod her head the same way he did when he was recording making him smile. God. She is going to be so much trouble. He thought to himself as she started dancing while singing. He looked up at her telling her she was done.

"Not yet. I wanna sing more." she told him. "But my songs. And you have to record it."

"Okay..." he said pressing the button again sitting down with a piece of paper. At the top it he wrote Dear Kate and started humming to himself. He looked up seeing Rosie still singing and dancing. He ended the recording pulling her out of the room." you want to play with the boys?" he asked speaking about Phil's kids.

"Yeeeesss!" she exclaimed. "Where are they?"

"They'll be here soon..." he answered hearing the door open with loud screams coming toward them. A ball flew through the room hitting Bruno in the head making everyone laugh...especially Rosie.

"Dad! Don't die!" she exclaimed seeing him rub his head. Don't die. Don't die. "Don't leave me!" she yelled watching him rub his head. Don't leave me. Don't leave like momma did. He knew if he didn't snap her back to the reality of a soft ball hitting him in the head she would start crying. All the things they had been through, without evening knowing it just drove him crazy. He watched her run up to the boys grabbing the ball and throwing it. They all ended up playing some game they made up while Bruno sat on the couch with Phil handing him what he had written down.

"What's going on, bro? This is like when she was in the hospital...." Phil wondered.

"We were alone last night and Marley found a bump...." he looked down.

"Oh..." Phil answered with little emotion. "Are you gonna get it checked?"

"Yeah..tomorrow...but it's just like we can't catch a fucking break. Things were perfect for like two months. Why can't they just stay that way? We've had enough curve balls."

"He's not done with the two of you. He just isn't dude. And we're here for you. You have so many people by your side." Phil answered. "Woah...where did my balls go?" he joked.

"Fuck, bro! I seriously!" Bruno said in a low frustrated tone knowing the kids were right by them. Rosie ran up to him jumping on him.

"Dad....what's wrong? You're not happy...." she noticed.

She may have my personality, but she has her mother's perceptiveness. He thought to himself before deciding what to say. "After I sing my song I'll be better." he told them. "But go and play basketball for a little, mama."But go and play basketball for a little, mama... " he said handing her the ball to go outside.

"But dadddd...I wanna hear hear the song." she whined.

"You can hear it later." he said pushing her playfully outside with the other kids.

"Ready?" Phil asked.

"Yeah...let's do this." Bruno said grabbing the head phones singing his heart out for almost an hour periodically glancing out the window making sure Rosie hadn't hit anyone in the face.

They finished two songs taking the kids out for dinner and then he drove home seeing Rosie sound asleep in the backseat. Well, it wasn't that bad. At least she'll sleep tonight...he said to himself as he carried her into the house. He heard water running in the kitchen and smelled lemon scented cleaning scents all over the house.

"Hi..." Marla said sweetly seeing Bruno carrying Rosie in the house.

"Are the babies asleep?" he asked. She moved her eyes to the middle of the living room where they both slept peacefully.

"Let's get her to bed...." Marla responded grabbing Rosie's pajamas seeing her half open her eyes smiling at her. "Go to sleep, baby..." she said handing her medicine quickly before they laid her down.

"Mommaaa...." Rosie called her as Bruno left the room.

"What nena?" she asked.

"Come here...." she replied holding her arms up to hug her mother. Marla returned the hug leaning down.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Momma...tell dad that he can't leave me like you." she told her mother quickly turning around closing her eyes.

"Okay, Rosalia. I will." Marla said kissing her daughter on the head. "Suenas bien, mi amor."


Dear Marla,

I wrote a song today about you. It's called Dear Kate. It's about how much I love you and how much you mean to me. Well, it's a lot like all the other songs I sing about you but this time...this one is perfect. Marla, I'm scared about tomorrow. I don't know how you go to all these doctors without being scared. You amaze me so much. I love you.


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