Chapter 80

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Marla woke up in the morning with Rosie’s arm on her head. She moved her daughter over getting up from the bed to look in the mirror. Eww. Really? She asked herself feeling nauseous. She stood there for a few seconds to gather herself taking her medication, brushing her teeth and putting her hair up. She called Jamie to tell her what happened and that she needed to take the day off. After that phone call she called her supervisor and cancelled her appointments. She watched her daughter start to move waking up. She smiled at her mother waving at her.

”Mama….my arms hurt.” she told her mother.

”I know, mija. We’re gonna take you to the doctor too, okay?” she asked liftig her daughter up.

”Mama…I didn’t get to talk to daddy last night…” she said in a sad tone.

”I know, mi Corazon…you’ll talk to him tonight, though, okay?” Marla reassured her daughter making her breakfast and getting her dressed for the early doctor’s appointment she had quickly made. Sometimes it pays to be famous. She thought to herself as the receptionist squeezed Rosalia into the schedule.

”Momma…is your tummy better?” Rosie asked while Marla helped her get in her jacket as they left the house.

”It’s still warm, mija. It’ll stay warm for a long time..until we see the baby…” she took her daughter’s hand placing it on her stomach. ”See?”

”Mommmaaa….I want to have a baby, too.” Rosalia told her mother. ”Like you. I want to do everything like you.”

”Oh…Rosalia. You can take care of this baby. Okay? With me and your dad…” Marla answered her daughter.

”But I want my own baby!” Rosie exclaimed.

”How about a baby doll?” Marla asked. ”You get to choose?”

”It’s not the same.” Rosie answered sadly.

”Well..we’ll see what you think about that when we go to the store to get you one…” Marla smiled at her daughter as they drove the 30 minutes to her doctor. They walked in and Marla signed them in sitting down next to her. Rosie looked at one of the kids playing with other toys walking over to them picking up the toy that the child was holding walking back to her mother.

”I want that….” Rosie said as the toy slipped out of the other child’s hand. Marla looked up from texting Bruno when she saw her daughter’s actions. Marla picked the toy out of her daughter’s hand giving her a dirty look.

”No, ma’am.” Marla told her handing the toy back to the child.

”But mommmm….” Rosie cried as the other mother went to comfort their child. Marla bent down to Rosie whispering in her ear.

”No. We’ll get you your own when we get your baby.” Marla tried to appease her daughter.

”But I want it nowwww!” Rosie said going back to the table.

”Noah…why don’t you share with her?” the mother asked smiling at Marla.

”Do you think you can do that, nena? Sit at the table with Noah and play?” Marla responded. Rosie nodded her head sitting down next to the other child.

”Hi…I’m Rosie..can I have that?” she asked the little boy.

”We can share…” he said not taking his hand off the toy seeing her try to pull it away from him.

”Rosie…play with him like you play with Mila….” Marla told her daughter referring to Eric’s youngest daughter. Rosie took her hand off the toy looking for another one remembering that it made her cousin cry when she took toys from her. ”Thank you ma’am…” she responded seeing that she was playing by herself while waiting for the doctor.

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