Nora:"Uh, guys?"



Dante:"What is it?"

The team's eyes widen and jaws drop. In front of them is a desolated village. The sky is gray and two columns of smoke rise in the air. A gazebo has a broken tower and lampposts are askew from the ground. At least one dead body can be seen on the side of the road approaching the town.

(Y/N):"Search the area. There could be survivors."

Ren sees something and runs to it.

Ren:"Over here!"

They rush to where Ren is leading them. On the ground, sitting propped against a broken building wall, is a young man in armor. He breathes heavily and holds his hand against a bleeding wound in his abdomen. Ren drops by his side and puts his hand on his shoulder.

Ruby:"A Huntsman!"

Yang:"What happened? Who killed all these people?"

The dying Huntsman coughed as he looked at them.

Huntsman:"Bandits. The whole tribe... Then, with all the panic..."

The Huntsman can't finish and coughs repeatedly.


Ren stands and walks a few paces away, placing his hands atop his head. Ruby, Yang, Dante , (Y/N), and Nora step away to confer.

Ruby:"Alright, we can get him to the next village and try to find a doctor there!"

Dante:"Yeah. Yang and I can take turns carrying him there."

Nora:"I don't know if he'll make it."

(Y/N):"He will. He has to."

Ren turns back and walks over to the Huntsman.

Ruby:"If we get going now, our chances will be better. I can run ahead and look for help!"


The other six turn and discover that the Huntsman has already died.

Nora: Should we bury him?

Ren walks right past them without a backward glance.

Ren:"We should go. It's not safe here."


Nora turns and follows him. Pyrrha puts her hand on (Y/N)'s arm, who is looking stressed and sad.

Pyrrha:"(Y/N), it's going to be okay."

(Y/N):"I'm just tired of losing everything."

(Y/N) walked away as Pyrrha watches him, worriedly. Soon after, nighttime came and the team fell asleep. Pyrrha then began squirming and grunting in her sleep as she hears voices inside her head.

Ozpin:"I' sorry."

(Y/N):"Pyrrha...Ozpin...get out of here!"

She then hears Cinder's laugh and Jaune's bloodcurdling scream which causes her to wake up. Pyrrha sat up, panting heavily as sweat trickled from her face. She soon began crying and (Y/N) soon sat up.

(Y/N):"Pyrrha? What's wrong? Pyrrha?"

Pyrrha looks at him and hugs him tightly as she cried on his shoulder. (Y/N) wrapped his arms around her waist and comforts her. Soon, morning came and the team moves forward with Ruby looking at a map.

Ruby:"Come on, guys! If we pick up the pace, we can hit the next town before sunset!"

Dante:"Assuming it's still there."

Bury The Light (Male Faunus!Vergil!Reader x Pyrrha Nikos)Where stories live. Discover now