Bowie's Birth Pt. 2 (February 2016)

Start from the beginning

Anne brought the kids back home to quickly grab some more clothes for them because when she were packing for the kids yesterday, she thought she would only have them for one night.

The kids have all been standing downstairs patiently but anxiously awaiting the moment their daddy walks down the stairs to allow them to see their mumma.

Harry is met with three high pitched, "daddy!"s as three little kids jump into his outstretched arms.

"Hi, buddies,"Harry smiles, hugging them tight to his chest. For a moment he allows himself to forget about all the pained whimpers, low moans, and tears wetting his neck. For a moment it's just him hugging his three babies tightly to his chest and breathing in the smell of bubblegum shampoo and vanilla ice cream breath.

"Daddy, I missed you,"Darcy sweetly exclaims kissing his cheek.

"I missed you too, baby girl,"Harry smiles down at her in his arms. "And I missed my boys too,"Harry winks at Lennon and Auggie hugged to his chest by his other arm.

"Should we go up and see mummy?"Harry asks his three kids.

"Yes" is the overarching answer exclaimed by all three of them with Auggie exclaiming, "mumma!"

"Mumma has missed you guys so much,"Harry tells the kids as his picks up August in his arms and stands up, "she's so excited to see you."

"Daddy?"Darcy asks interlocking her hand with his free one that isn't holding Auggie, "has mummy had the baby yet?"

Harry sighs with a pout, "not yet, sweet girl. I wish."

"I'll get their things while you guys have some time with Camryn,"Anne says giving Harry a kiss on his cheek and then heading up the stairs to gather up the things that the kids need for their stay at her house.

"Alright,"Harry says picking up August and grabbing Lennon's hand, "let's go see mumma."
Darcy runs ahead of Harry with her curly brown hair flowing behind her in two pigtails.

"Wait, Darce,"Harry calls before Darcy can push open the bedroom door. He looks at Lennon and Darcy before explaining the situation to them. "Okay guys, so mummy is having a baby and when mummies have babies sometimes they make funny noises, okay? So, don't be scared if mumma is being a bit loud or making funny noises, she's okay."

"Like with Auggie?"Darcy innocently asks, looking up at him with her big blue curious eyes.
"Yeah,"Harry nods, "exactly. Just like how she was making funny noises when she had Auggie."

Darcy leads the way as Lennon stays close to Harry, already becoming a bit frightened at Camryn's whimpers that can be heard from outside the connecting door of the bedroom and bathroom.

"Go ahead, Darce,"Harry nods his head in the direction of the door as Darcy wearily puts her hand on the knob, waiting for permission. "Go say hi to mummy."

"Mumma!"Darcy exclaims as soon as she opens the door and sees Camryn kneeling in the tub.

Camryn's face lights up at the sight of her baby girl, "Darcy! Hi baby girl!" Camryn opens her arms for Darcy to run into. As soon as Darcy's upper body is cradled in her arms, Camryn drops her face to nuzzle into Darcy's neck. "Oh, I missed you. You are just who I needed to see right now."

Camryn looks up from Darcy's neck and sees Lennon cowering by Harry, a bit confused at why Camryn is in the bathtub.

"Hi, my boy,"Camryn smiles making grabby hands towards him as Darcy's attention switches from her mum to sticking her hands in the bath water.

"Go ahead, bubs,"Harry urges looking down at Lennon. Lennon looks up warily at Harry before grabbing his hand tightly. "I'll go with you. Come on." Harry walks hand in hand with Lennon over to Camryn and sits down on the floor in front of her. "It's just mumma, bud."

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