Peter Hale

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You and your dad Peter Hale had a strange relationship, almost like his and Malia your Half-Sister, you had known that peter was your dad but you didn't see him due to the fire and him being in a coma

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You and your dad Peter Hale had a strange relationship, almost like his and Malia your Half-Sister, you had known that peter was your dad but you didn't see him due to the fire and him being in a coma.

You were unaware that he was nearly healed and going out attacking people and killing the family members you had left, you been staying with Derek when he had been attacking people and when he had bitten Scott and turned him into a werewolf.

Every one that did know what peter had done agreed to keep it from you, as you didn't need to be hurt anymore, your relationship with your dad was better than ever at the moment, Derek was worried it was going to push you over the edge, you had your father's anger issues and was easily triggered.

You were getting along with Malia since she came around and spending time with her, you being a werewolf and her being a were coyote, one day while hanging out malia let it slip about Scott being turned but peter.

"I mean its crazy how peter was an alpha once and try to take over  but creating his own pack, and Scott being pulled into it all, anyways I guess if he didn't bite him, they wouldn't have found me," she said as her voice started to drain out

" Dad's the one who bit Scott?" you ask eyes glowing blue

"Yeah i thought you knew that considering he your boyfriend," she said now worried, you started growling and claws appearing, you ran out of Malia's house and over to the loft, Malia running after you.

you swing the loft door open and Derek and Peter jump up when they hear growling.

"you're the one that bit Scott and killed other people while trying the create your Pack" you shout

"hey y/n calm down, its been year and it's all ok now," Derek says trying to calm you down

"it's not ok Derek, what does he have to say for himself?" you growl

"I'm the spark that lit the fire sweetheart," he said sarcastically knowing you were going to attack him

you move Derek and run at peter and throw him against one of the pillars, you start clawing at him, seeing red you just couldn't find the will to stop.

Malia had run to find Scott, he comes running through the door and tackles you to the ground and hold you tightly whispering in your ear

"it's me, Scott, I've got you, come back to me. I love you" he whispers he strokes your hair calming you down, Scott was you anchor so he was the only one that could help.

while this was happed Malia and Derek got Peter out the Loft and somewhere safe, he told them to let you know when you calmed down that he forgives you and understand why you did it.

you eventually calmed down and you started to cry you turned and hugged Scott tightly

" Hey it's ok" he rubs you back

"Scott I just attacked and nearly kill my dad, my own flesh and blood" you cried

"he doesn't blame you, he knew it would happen one day, we didn't tell you because we wanted you to have a good relationship with him," Scott tells you

you both start to get up and Derek comes in

"Is he ok?" you ask worried

"He will be fine, he will heal, he doesn't blame you and he forgives you and he said when your ready to talk give him a call" he smiles at you

you stand there in utter shocked at what you had just done, Scott take you home so you could shower and sleep.

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