Scott McCall

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You and Scott had been dating for a few months now you were a chimera you were werewolf and kanima

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You and Scott had been dating for a few months now you were a chimera you were werewolf and kanima. But you weren't out of control

One night you decided to scare Scott and snuck into his room through the window you decided to sit on the ceiling being a kanima you could do this

Scott was in the bath room showering you knew he wouldn't be long so you sat there and waiting

The shower stop and you could hear Scott step out the shower and go to open the door you smirked to your self getting ready to scare him

He walks out the door still wet and in only a towel you couldn't stop staring and you lost your concentration and fell you the floor

Scott yells as he freak out from what's going on

"Ahh wtf wait y/n what are you doing here and why were you on the ceiling" he says steading his breathing

You sitting there in pain but getting up anyways blushing a little

"Well I planned to scare you then you came out and I got distracted" you groaned

Scott looked down and realised why you got distracted and smirked and walked towards you

"Ohhh I see why you got distracted" he pulls you towards him and kisses you

You continue to kiss when Melissa bursts through the door with a bat you and Scott yell and jump apart

"Omg you two why was Scott screaming and there was a loud bang and what's going on" she says out of breath

"Mum it's okay y/n tried to scare me but she fell but everything's okay" he laughs

"Sorry to scare you Melissa" you chuckle

"It's okay well I'm going to work now for the night shift y/n your welcome to stay and I'll see you guys in the morning" she says as she walks back out

"Well where were we" Scott pulls you toward him and you both fall on the bed

You spent the rest of the night spending time in each other's company you wouldn't want to be any where else

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