Stiles Stilinski - Turn Her -Part 3

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The next day after the full moon you had spent a few hours with Stiles at the loft Derek, Scott and Liam left to do other things

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The next day after the full moon you had spent a few hours with Stiles at the loft Derek, Scott and Liam left to do other things.

You were both laying on the sofa cuddling and just enjoying each other acompany

"Y/n" he says while tracing lines on your back

"Yeah" you say almost a whisper

"I have something to ask you and you don't have to answer now but erm yeah" he started to get nervous

You sit up on your knees and look over at stiles whose blushing

"Stiles what's up is everything okay" you say as you holding his hands

He pulls you hand you his face and kisses them

"Did you maybe want to move in with me and my dad?" He asks waiting for you to respond

"Stiles .... I would love too, are you sure and is your dad okay with all this?" You say hugging him tightly and kissing him

"My dad was actually the one who had suggested it after everything that happened and I was wanting to ask him anyways" he says jumping up and pulling you into a loving hug

"We need to move your stuff over to my house ASAP" he says getting excited

"That's fine we can do that soon I've only got a little bit here and the stuff at my parents house isn't to much either" you saying taking his face in your hands and kissing him with so much love

Stiles picks you up and spinning you around you both laughing while this was happening the other walk back into the loft

Scott looks over and smiles knowing what's just happened and he couldn't be happier for both of you

"Hey guys y/n agreed to move in with me" stiles say smiling widely while putting you back down

The other rush over to give you guys a group hug, you,stiles, Scott, Liam and even Derek join in

"Well it's gonna be lonely here with out your random singing and dance here y/n" Derek smiles at you and you smile back

Stiles wraps his arm around you protectively

"Yeah well sorry sour wolf looks like I'll be having my girlfriend back now" stiles tells the group and you giggle

"Thanks Derek you've taught me so much and I'll definitely be coming for more training" you tell him giving Derek a hug to thank him

"Your so welcome I'm glad I could help your transition to werewolf has been so what smooth almost as if it was meant to be" he smiled

You smiled feeling the same way

"Actually why don't we invite the others over and get takeout to celebrate the good news" Derek ask

"You Derek I don't think you ever had a better idea" stiles says while putting his hand on his shoulder

Derek glares

"I'm taking my hand off" he says while backing up and coming back to you

Stiles decides he's going to run and get the other and also grabs some bag to get your stuff he kisses your cheek and heads for the door

"I love you stiles" you called over to him

He turns quickly and leans against the door"

"I LOovvvveeee yoooooooouuu" he laughs

"Cutes stilinski I get it because I'm a wolf haha" you laugh

He chuckles as he walks out the door

He return shortly after with everyone and you all spend the evening with the best friend anyone could ask for and the world most amazing boyfriend that's you couldn't wait to move in with....


Shall I continue this story like more parts ??

Let me know in the comments

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