Liam Dunbar

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You and Liam had broken up about a month ago, he didn't want you involved in the supernatural world as it put you in danger even though you knew nothing about it so you just thought he was being an idiot he also used the excuse of his anger issues

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You and Liam had broken up about a month ago, he didn't want you involved in the supernatural world as it put you in danger even though you knew nothing about it so you just thought he was being an idiot he also used the excuse of his anger issues.

You didn't hang around with the group much anymore and barely answered anyone's calls.

You began talking by to Theo as a friend and someone to talk to or that's what you thought anyways.

One day while standing at your locker talking to Theo, Liam walked up the corridor and saw you, he stop and clenched his jaw, he was not happy to see you both together.

Theo used this opportunity to annoy Liam he lean in and kissed you, you freaked out and pushed him away and ran off.

Liam ran at Theo and pushed him in an empty class room, Mason ran after you to make sure you were okay

Theo on the floor and get back up laughing

"She said you dumped her because of your anger issues" he laugh at Liam

Liam punches him and he falls to the floor

"By the way, I'm still working on my anger" he says while walking back out

He runs off to find you and see if your okay.

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