"Panditji got the prasad. We have to get only sweets."

"Do we have anything for dessert?" I asked.

"Yes 2 type of icecreams." I nodded.

I called Dad's friend who had sweets shop. He had stock of rasmalai. I asked driver to get it collected.

There was one person in this area who famous for selling Jalebi and rabdi. I asked Vikram to check if he could come and set his counter here for sometime.

Few minutes later Vikram confirmed that person has agreed to come. Kiara's family was here so I went in search of Kiara. She was not on the floor so I went and checked in her cabin. She was sitting there with head down on the desk.

"Hey come on all the arrangements are done. I have sent dad's driver to get rasmalai. Vikram is getting a person he will set counter for jalebi and rabdi."

"Really?" She looked at me surprised.


"Thank you. I can't even do a single job properly."

"Don't talk rubbish you have done all most all the arrangements without any help and with office work. So now cheer up and enjoy the puja." She smiled and hugged me.

"Thank you I don't know what I would have done if you had not helped me."

"You owe me now." I said.

"What?" She asked going away from me.

"Dinner would be nice." I said laughing at her. She nodded.

"Now let's go your family is waiting for you downstairs." I said.

"Who invited my family?" She asked.

"I had called your father yesterday morning to check with him at what time he was going to come and since you forgot so I had sent the invite."

"I forgot because of work."

"No worries Now come let's go everyone would be waiting for us." I gave my left hand hoping she would hold it. She took hold of ny hand and we left. Her eyes were fixed on the watch which I was wearing.

"Thought today was the best day to wear the gift which my wife had given me." I said.

We went to downstairs where puja was going to happen. Mom dad or Chacha chachi used to do all the rituals. Mom asked us to perform all the rituals.

After the puja we met office colleagues and clients. Kiara went to check the lunch arrangements when she came back she was happy.

"Sweets counters are set." She said happily.

"Go meet your family everything else can be taken care off." We Went towards them. Kiara went and hugged them.

Everyone talked for some time and than we went to dinning area for lunch. Thankfully Kiara's mother did not ask me anything or passed indirect comments.

"How was your Singapore trip?" Samar asked.

"Heard you came early to meet someone. Is that true?" Niyati said.

"Yes had to because your sister was not ready to come with me so I had to go after her."

"Samar never came early from business trip just to meet me. Kiara you're so lucky." Niyati said.

"Ever heard of Grass is always green on other side?" Kiara asked.

"Yes of course."

"Than don't wish for something you don't know about. Don't compare both of them." Kiara said looking at me.

"Yes of course I cannot compare you to love birds with us. We have lost our charm." Niyati said.

"Is this your new way to ask me to take you out somewhere?" Samar asked.

"You should thank god she asking you indirectly not using some novel trick." I said.

"You would never know what this two girls are upto." Samar said. Niyati was glaring at Kiara. Kiara was watching me.

"Let's plan some short trip." I said.

"Yes please. It would be so amazing I and Kiara can roam around together like old days." Niyati said.

"We can decide some place and make some plans for next weekend." Samar said.

"Sure." I said. Plans with Kiara's family was something she would never ignore. Hopefully that will help us get our relationship a bit stronger than before.

 Hopefully that will help us get our relationship a bit stronger than before

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