You & I

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Kurt ran up to Blaine, who was standing at his locker, staring at the pictures he had hung up inside. "Hey! Why did you leave without me yesterday?"

Blaine closed his locker, then leaned against it. "I was tired, remember? And you could have followed, I never told you not to."

"I guess... You know, you really are impossible sometimes." Kurt's tone had changed quickly. At first, he had seemed happy to see Blaine, but now he just seemed annoyed. 

Blaine was confused, not sure what had caused the sudden change. "What are you talking about?"

Kurt shrugged. "Sometimes it just seems like... Maybe, you don't want to be with me."

"I do! I just..." Blaine sighed and took a few steps closer. "You know I don't really...want to tell anyone about us, because-"

"You're ashamed?" Kurt interrupted.

"No! I just don't know how they'll react. What happened at my first school, with my parents... It even happened to you!"

"Hey guys!" Finn said, running up to Kurt and Blaine. Blaine quickly backed away from Kurt. "So, you guys are gonna do the show, right? Because I'm kind of confused by the script, like...where are the words? Because there's only, like...ten lines, and the rest is singing..."

"It doesn't have dialogue, it's sung through," Kurt explained, seeming annoyed. "Now go, we're talking about something important." Blaine glared at Kurt.

"Huh?" Finn looked over at Blaine. "Oh. Uh, sorry. See you later!" He waved, then left, still trying to figure out the script.

"Seriously?" Kurt said. "You're worried about him?"

"Yes! You told me about him, when he first found out, he didn't accept you! He called you-"

"When he first found out," Kurt interrupted. "He's changed. A lot. He accepts me now, and he'd accept you too."

Then Rachel came up to them. "I see Finn was talking to you. Was it about the script? Because he asked me about it too," she said.

"It was," Kurt replied. "Now, we're kind of in the middle of something, so if you could-"

"Oh hey, Blaine," Rachel said. "Didn't see you there. Are you doing the show? I mean, I'm guessing you are. Hm... I think you'd make a good Jason. And me as Ivy? That's perfect. We might as well start rehearsing now!" She winked at him before walking away.

Blaine watched her go. He wondered why she picked those characters. Ivy and Jason did have some sort of relationship in the show, but that couldn't be the reason. Jason was very similar to Blaine, gay and in the closet. That must be why. "Did she say that because she knows I'm-?"

"No," Kurt interrupted. "I think she said that because she was trying to flirt. And you wonder why I doubt you..."


"Because you're so hidden! And it doesn't help that girls are after you! How do I know you won't give in to one of them to save your image?"

"Can you stop yelling before someone hears you?"

"Can you accept who you are before it's too late?!"

Blaine sighed and took Kurt's hand, leading him into the janitor's closet. "I hate being in here, but if you won't shut up, I don't have much of a choice."

"God, you're pathetic," Kurt said, rolling his eyes. "Have you even told Cooper?"

Blaine shook his head. "You know what happened with my parents. I'll tell him when I'm ready, okay? I'll tell everyone when I'm ready. But I'm not. You need to respect that and stop trying to force me."

"Whatever... So, have you decided if you're doing the show? Because that may be the only chance I'll ever get to say 'I love you' in front of people..."

"I haven't decided, but I don't think so. I have a busy schedule, so-"

"You do not!" Kurt interrupted.

"Can you stop interrupting?"

"I know you want to do the show. Can you stop lying to yourself? About the show, about who you are? Do you ever tell the truth? Are you even sure you have feelings for me?"

"Of course I do, I just... Please, please keep it a secret for just a little bit longer..."

Kurt sighed. "Fine. On one condition."

Blaine groaned. "What?"

"It's nothing bad. What are you expecting? It's just...I miss you. You know, with having to hide all the time, I don't get much of your attention anymore, not like how I used to. And while I'd like to stop hiding... I'll respect your choice." He kissed him.

"Thank you, but... Whatever you want, can't it wait until we get home, at least?" Blaine gently pushed Kurt back a bit.

"Do you really think anyone will know we're in here?"

"I don't know..."

"They won't." He kissed him again. "I promise you, they won't."

"Alright. I'll trust you."

"Good." Kurt smiled and kissed Blaine again, pinning him again the wall.

"Remember, quiet."

Kurt nodded. "I know."

Are We Damned? ~ GleeWhere stories live. Discover now