Two Households

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TW: Brief mention of drug overdose

It was the day of the show. They were doing one last run of it before their performance. Blaine wasn't feeling up to it, but had no choice but to come. 

Puck tapped Blaine on the shoulder. "Pharmacy order is in your bag. Remember, it's four doses. Don't take it all at once. Overdosing on this stuff is really dangerous."

Blaine nodded. "Thanks." He had asked for more of the drug Puck had given him a few nights earlier, just in case things went horribly wrong.

After running through act one, the cast sat on the stage while Mr. Schue gave them notes. "Overall, that was very good. I think you'll all do amazing tonight. But I do have a few notes. First... Kurt and Blaine, you're missing something. Passion, maybe. Chemistry. You both seemed off. So, what's going on? Because today isn't the day to slack off."

"We weren't slacking, Mr. Schue," Kurt explained. "We'll do better tonight. We're kind of...not on the best terms. But we won't let that affect our performance."

"It better not," Mr. Schue replied.

After the notes, they ran through the second act. Mr. Schue pointed out that Kurt and Blaine had improved, but still had some things to work on. They still had some time before the show, so they were given a short break.

Blaine took Kurt's hand and pulled him aside. "Kurt, guess what?" Blaine had a huge smile on his face and wide, bright eyed. His excitement almost reminded Kurt of a puppy or young child. He was adorable, Kurt couldn't help but smile a bit. "I talked to Ms. Pillsbury about us. And... I want you, Kurt. And I'm sorry if I wasn't listening. And... Will you run away with me?"

"Run away with you?" Kurt repeated. "Are you crazy?!"

"I'm serious. After the show. Just me and you, forever. We can go to Provincetown, maybe, just like we always wanted."

"We can run away together after graduation. But even then, we're not leaving our lives behind."

"Come on, it'll be fun! We can do whatever we want, we don't have to hide."

"We don't have to hide here, Blaine. I promise you, we don't."

"I'm scared here. I'm scared of getting hurt. Please, just... Think about it."

"No, Blaine. The answer is no." Kurt sighed, then turned to leave. Blaine didn't move, he just watched Kurt go.

Kurt went to talk to Finn.  "He's losing his mind," he said.

"Huh? Who is?" Finn asked.

"Blaine! He's talking about running away together after the show!"

"I'm sorry for what I said the other day, by the way," Finn said. "Maybe that has something to do with all this. I shouldn't have told everyone. I should have kept your secret."

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to, Finn."

"I know, but... How am I supposed to talk to Blaine? He hates me now."

"Blaine hates everyone," Kurt said, rolling his eyes. 

"What's going on between you two?" Finn asked.

"I have no idea. I wish I knew... I want to fix things. I really do. But it's just... It's impossible. He's impossible."

"Don't take it all out on him."

"You don't get it. You really don't. I appreciate that you're trying, but... I think you've done enough." Kurt went to the choir room to finish preparing for the show.

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