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A day had gone by since Finn saw Kurt and Blaine at the party. He still wasn't sure what to do, if he should tell Kurt or keep it a secret. He eventually decided that Kurt deserved to know, and that it might help him if he did. Kurt wanted to talk about his relationship, and it might be easier if he knew that Finn knew about it.

Finn went to Kurt's bedroom and knocked on the door. "Hey, uh... It's Finn, I just wanna tell you something... It'll be quick. Or it could wait, I guess..."

"Coming." Kurt opened the door. "What is it?"

"Actually, um... Can I ask you something?"

Kurt nodded. "Go on."

"Remember a few days ago when you were talking about your relationship? How's that going?"

"Nothing's changed."

Finn had hoped that Kurt would bring up the party himself, since wasn't exactly sure how to say it. "I saw you."

"Yeah, you've seen me a lot." Kurt knew that Finn was probably talking about the party, but he didn't want to be the one to bring that up.

"No. I mean last night. At the party. With Blaine." 

Kurt didn't really care what Finn knew. He was more than happy to tell everyone about their relationship. But he knew that Blaine didn't want anyone to know, and although he didn't agree, he would respect that. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You do! You were talking about how you didn't want to hide and he did because he's scared, and then you kissed him and you said you love each other."

"No, that must've been someone else. It was dark, it could've been anyone."

"I swear. I know what I saw."

Kurt sighed. There was nothing he could do to convince Finn otherwise. Usually, Finn would believe what Kurt told him, knowing he was smarter. But he wouldn't give up this time. He was sure of what he saw. "Fine. You're right. But don't say anything to anyone, okay?"

Finn nodded. "Okay. I promise, it's our secret."

"Don't even tell Blaine." 

"Got it. I won't tell him."

"Thank you..." He paused. "You know, I'm kind of happy  you know now... At least I have someone to talk to, and I won't have to be the one to tell you. And who knows how long I'd be able to keep the secret before I slip up?"

"Yeah, yeah. Of course you can talk to me." Finn smiled a bit. The truth was, he was a bit scared that he would slip up. He didn't want to, but he wasn't the best at keeping secrets.

"Thanks, Finn." Kurt smiled and hugged him tight. Finn hugged back, already feeling bad about his promise.

Are We Damned? ~ GleeWhere stories live. Discover now