See Me

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When Sam was talking about love, Blaine had only one thing on his mind: Kurt. He loved him, he loved him so much and he always would. And he wanted to be with him, but he couldn't take the pressure. Whenever he thought Kurt had changed and would finally respect that Blaine wasn't ready to come out, he started pressuring him again.

Maybe Kurt was right. Maybe Blaine did need to stop worrying. If things were mostly okay at McKinley for Kurt, why would Blaine be any different? And why couldn't he tell Cooper? His parents weren't accepting, but Cooper wasn't like them. Even if Cooper didn't approve, he wouldn't be the type to abandon Blaine, especially since he knew he didn't have anyone else. And if Cooper did leave, maybe it would be for the best. Of course, Blaine loved his brother and didn't want to lose him. But after their parents left, Cooper promised he would stay. He promised he would do anything for Blaine. He promised he'd always listen, and he'd always be there. Sure, Cooper's advice was never good, but it was something, and Blaine appreciated the effort. But then again, Cooper didn't approve of Blaine's dreams of being on Broadway, so was it really too hard to believe he wouldn't approve of his sexuality either.

Blaine heard the front door. Cooper was home. Blaine looked over at the door and waved. "Hey, Coop."

"Hey, squirt. Miss me?"

Blaine rolled his eyes. "Sure did." 

"Good to hear. So, what's up? You seem tired," Cooper said, sitting by Blaine's feet. 

"I'm tired, that's what's up," Blaine said, sitting up.

"You can talk to me, kid," Cooper said, failing to ruffle Blaine's gelled hair. "And cut back on the gel, will you?"

"Not happening," Blaine replied, crossing his arms.

"Crossed arms? Are you five?" 

Blaine shrugged. "Maybe I am."

Cooper rolled his eyes. "Alright, little bro. Tell me, what's going on? You're tired. Why? And why aren't you in bed then? Were you waiting for me or something?"

"I was not waiting for you. I had someone over, they just left."

"A girl?"

"No! Just a friend," Blaine said. He paused. "But I do need to talk to you about something."

"Your girlfriend?"

"I don't have a girlfriend! And I don't want one."

"See, you're just saying that because you're single."

"It's not that. Can you just listen? Please?"

"I'm listening."

"Cooper, I know you know this already. And I know you're dodging it. But please, just pay attention. Don't try to change the subject. This is really hard to say, and...really, you listening will make it a lot easier."

"I am listening," Cooper repeated.

"Just... Don't leave. Okay? No matter how you feel, don't leave."

"I'm not going anywhere," Cooper said. "Hey! That reminds me! Mom is gonna see your show. I tried to ask Dad, but he didn't get back to me."

"Cooper... Not now, okay?"

"Okay. Sorry. Just trying to share some exciting news."

"And I'm trying to tell you something important," Blaine said. Cooper rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything. "I just...need support. I need your support. I don't care what my friends think, and at this point, I don't care what Mom and Dad think anymore..."

"Hey, do you think Mom would wanna come to the diner after the show with us?"

"Cooper, please... I need you. I need to talk to you. Now."

"Actually, that reminds me... I have a audition later, I need to practice my lines... Do you wanna help?"

"No, I don't want to help. I want you to listen."

"Not now, Blainey. We can talk over dinner later, okay?"

"Yeah, whatever..."

Cooper went up to his room, and Blaine stayed on the couch. He wanted to cry, but held it back. All he wanted was for Cooper to support him, and if he didn't even want to listen, there was no way he did. He regretted even trying. Even though Cooper said they'd talk over dinner, Blaine knew the same thing would happen. Cooper would dodge it, and he wouldn't be able to tell him anything. So he didn't bother going down for dinner. Instead, he went up to his room, wrapped himself in a blanket, closed his eyes, and cried until he fell asleep.

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