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Luckily, Blaine was feeling good enough to go to rehearsal the next day. He didn't feel great, he was tired and had a bit of a headache, but he didn't want to miss again.

"Hey, Blaine!" Finn called out. "Can we talk?"

Blaine just ignored him. He didn't have the energy to deal with Finn. He wanted to like him, he really did, but he just couldn't. Not after what happened.

"Quit ignoring me!" Finn said.

"Hey, lay off," Puck said, stepping between Blaine and Finn. "He doesn't wanna talk, okay?" Puck and Blaine were never close, but he almost felt like he had to protect him now. After Blaine went to him when he could've gone anywhere, that made him feel much closer to him.

"This is important. And doesn't involve you," Finn said. "Blaine. I'm not asking."

"Go away, Finn," Blaine groaned.

"I know you were dating my brother," Finn said. Kurt looked up and cursed under his breath. "And I know you slept with Sam." Kurt had told Finn about that as well. He knew he shouldn't, but he wasn't thinking. He said it in the heat on the moment. He only hoped Sam wouldn't be blamed for it. Blaine shoved Finn, not doing much damage. Kurt ran over, grabbing Blaine in an attempt to prevent a fight. "What, coming to save your boyfriend?" Finn asked.

"He is not my boyfriend," Kurt said calmly.

"Shut the fuck up, Finn!" Blaine yelled. "Everyone can hear you!"

"You're the fuck up here," Finn said.

Blaine, despite being near tears from that comment, ignored him. He'd heard too many people say that already, including his own parents.

"Blaine, I am so sorry," Kurt said. "I told him everything. I told him about us. I told him about you and Sam. And Sam, I should apologize to you as well. I'm sorry."

"It's not okay, Kurt," Blaine said.

"I mean, I'm not bothered by it," Sam said.

"Shut up, Sam!"

"I'm just saying-"

"Blaine, he doesn't need to shut up. If anything, you do," Finn said.

"Or we could-" Sam said, once again trying to add something.

"Nobody needs to shut up!" Kurt said.

"Guys!" Sam yelled.

"What?" Everyone asked.

"Nothing. I just wanted to say something without getting interrupted."

Kurt sighed. "Okay. Well, I'm sorry."

"For interrupting me?"

"Outing you."

"I'm not gay."

"Sam, you- Whatever."

"But you could apologize for interrupting me."

"I'm sorry."

"Thank you."

"You're an idiot, Sam," Finn said.

"I know."

"Can we stay on topic please?" Blaine asked.

"What topic?" Sam asked.

"Finn. And Kurt."

"I agree with Blaine here," Santana said. "Finn, Kurt, I will go all Lima Heights on both of you."

"And I won't stop her."

"I will," Sam said. "Let's not fight."

"All for fighting, raise your hand," Blaine said, raising his hand. Finn and Santana did as well. Then Puck, as well as a few others.

"Wait, guys... No! I was trying to be the hero, and..."

"It's okay, Sam. I agree with you," Kurt said. "Fighting won't solve anything."

But Blaine didn't listen. He shoved Finn again before quickly punching him in the jaw.

"Where is Mr. Schue?" Sam yelled. "We need order! Adult supervision!"

"Calm down, Sam," Kurt said.

"Kurt, they're fighting. This is not a time for calm."

Finn pushed Blaine as well. "Don't touch me!"

Blaine froze up when Finn touched him. Even though he started the fight, he hated whenever someone touched him unexpectedly, especially when it was with the intention of hurting him.

So he ran.

"Blaine, wait!" Kurt yelled, running after him.

"Kurt," Puck said. Kurt stopped and turned around. "Let him go. He needs some space, okay? And I don't think you'd help much anyway."

"Fine," Kurt sighed. He didn't want to to listening to Puck, but it seemed he was right. Blaine was angry at him, and rightfully so. He wouldn't be able to fix this, at least not now.

Are We Damned? ~ GleeWhere stories live. Discover now