In The Hallway

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The next day, Kurt and Blaine both tried avoiding the other. Both of them wanted to talk, they had a lot to say, but they couldn't bring themselves to. And neither wanted to be the one to start the conversation.

Finally, at the end of the day, Kurt approached Blaine. "I haven't told anyone."

"Good for you!" Blaine said sarcastically. "You didn't do the one thing I asked you not to do. Took you long enough to agree to that."

"I'm sorry. I was wrong," Kurt admitted. "I know I realized a bit too late, but I hope you'll accept my apology. Even if we're not together, I hope we can still be friends."

Blaine sighed. "Do you not realize what you did? I trusted you, and you ruined that. I wanted this to work, Kurt. I really did. I loved you. But I can't be with you if you don't let me do things at my pace. If you pressure me. If you refuse to see my side. If you tell Finn when I ask you to keep one secret for me!"

"You're not, closeted, Blaine," Kurt said. "You told Sam, didn't you?"

"That's different, you of all people should know. When you came out to Mercedes, you needed someone to talk to, someone that you trusted. You weren't ready to tell the world yet, but you told the one person you knew you could trust."

"Am I not that person?"

"I thought you were, until I realized I couldn't trust you."

"God, Blaine. You're so dramatic."

"Straight-acting coward, dramatic... What's next?"

"I regretted that as soon as I said it."

"I bet."

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Can I ask you something? And can you answer nicely?"

"No promises."

"Did you really move on already? You're with Sam now?"

"That was a one time thing."

"And will you tell anyone?"

"You tell me to answer nicely, then bring it back to this? Seriously?"

"I was just wondering."

"I'm not telling anyone. I'm not ready to tell anyone. How many times do I have to tell you? Why don't you get it?"

"I do," Kurt said. "But I also think you're hurting yourself by not telling anyone. You're lying to yourself, and it's going to spiral out of control. Before you know it, you'll have a wife and wonder why you hid for so long."

"I'm not lying to myself, Kurt. I know who I am. And I don't intend to change that. I do intend to not ruin my life even more though." Blaine left, ignoring Kurt's attempt at an apology.

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