Pilgrim's Hands

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Blaine wasn't at rehearsal the next day. Kurt was forced to rehearse Ever After with Mike. But he'd prefer that over Blaine. The scene was a bit too real for Kurt and Blaine. It reminded Kurt of their breakup, they were almost too similar. Kurt even noticed the parallels as it was happening, and now hearing that song nearly brought him to tears. Kurt sang through the song slowly, trying to hold back his tears, and most importantly, trying not to think of Blaine. He was doing alright at first:

"So much for our ever after?
I thought the good guys would triumph
I trusted a hero, I didn't hear his goodbye
I guess it was lost in the talk of a..."

He stopped abruptly. "Can we take five? Sorry."

Mr. Schuester sighed. "Fine, take five. And someone find out where Blaine is, please."

"I'll call him," Kurt said, taking out his phone. That probably wasn't a good idea, but he wouldn't go back on the offer. He could only hope Blaine wouldn't pick up. But of course, he did.

"What do you want?" Blaine asked. He sounded like he just woke up, but Kurt decided not to mention it.

"I just wanted to ask, where are... Where are we? In our relationship, I mean. I know we broke up, but... I don't know about you, but I still have feelings for you. And I don't think they're going away. Not that we have to get back together, but... Are we still friends, at least?"

"I don't know," Blaine replied. "But I miss you." 

Kurt smiled a bit. "I miss you too. Hey, we're on break right now. We were just working on Ever After. I know it's a bit too real for us, and I get it if you don't want to come, but I'd love it if you did. And I'd much rather practice with you than Mike."

"It is a bit too real," Blaine replied. "But I'll be there."

"Thank you. And I'm sorry, by the way. For pressuring you, for what I said during the breakup... Everything."

"I know. Hey, uh... I tried talking to Cooper," Blaine said quietly. "It didn't go so great, but... I'm working on it." 

"I'm sorry to hear... But it's good that you tried. And if you need anything, just ask."

"I will. Thank you."

"Of course. See you soon?"

"See you soon."

The break was extended until Blaine arrived, about ten minutes later. They picked up at the beginning of Ever After, and by the end of the scene, both Kurt and Blaine were in tears. Even though it didn't make much sense for the characters, they couldn't help but hug each other tightly at the end. The next scene was Spring, which only involved Santana, so Kurt brought Blaine into the choir room to talk. "Are you okay?"

Blaine nodded. "I'm fine."

"Okay, if you say so... I'm not going to pressure you. Come, let's sit." Kurt took Blaine's hand and led him to the chairs. They sat beside each other, and Blaine rested his head on Kurt's shoulder. "Do you want to talk about Cooper?"

Blaine shook his head. He did want to, but he didn't know what to say. He didn't even know what had happened. He hadn't given up hope that Cooper would accept him yet, and he wouldn't until Cooper left. He hoped that wouldn't happen, but he couldn't say he wouldn't be surprised if it did.

"Do you want to talk about anything?" Kurt asked.

Blaine shook his head again. He just wanted to stay like this, quiet, just enjoying each other's company. It had been a while since they were together like this. And Blaine knew that someone could come in and see them at any time, but he didn't care. All he cared about was Kurt. He wanted to tell him right then that he wanted him back, but he wasn't sure about the timing. He'd wait until whatever was happening with Cooper was figured out.

Neither of them wanted to go back to rehearsal, but they knew they didn't have a choice. They made it through the rest of the show, both of them putting everything they had into each "I love you" and every kiss they shared.

After rehearsal, Finn ran up to Blaine. "Hey, can we talk?"

"No," Blaine replied. He left before Finn could ask again, walking out of the auditorium with Santana.

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