Best Kept Secret

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"I know why you wanted to come out here," Kurt said. "You wanted to hide. We don't have to. Nobody will care, they probably won't even notice."

"You don't get it," Blaine replied. "They can't know."

"But why not?" 

"Because they can't!"

"Calm down..."

Blaine ignored Kurt. "They weren't so nice when you came out! And remember what happened at my old school? Before Dalton?" Blaine had told that story a few times - he had always been bullied, and one day, at a school dance, he and his openly gay friend were jumped and badly beaten. "You know what it's like at home?" He'd mentioned that a few times as well, the abusive father who only pretended to be nice when he was doing something like fixing cars, the mother who left, and the perfect brother, who was only better because he was straight. "I'm not gonna let that happen again. I actually have something here."

"Have you seen how everyone treats me now though?" Kurt asked. "I have plenty of friends, and Karofsky hasn't done anything recently. It's fine. Really."

"It's not fine!"

"If you could just talk it out without yelling-"

"You're not listening!"

"I am, you're not. Please. I love you, okay? That's why I want everyone to know. I don't want to hide it anymore. I don't want to have to whisper, or find some place where nobody can see us. I know you're scared, but I'm telling you there's no reason to be. Nobody is going to hurt you. You have me, and I know I'm not that strong, but I'll protect you. You have Finn, Sam, Santana, Puck... You have all of us, and nothing can change that. I promise." He smiled and gave Blaine a quick kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too..." Blaine looked around, making sure nobody saw, but still didn't notice Finn. "Can we go back in now?"

"Sure." Kurt took Blaine's hand and led him back inside. He almost hoped that what he said had changed Blaine's mind, but it didn't seem to. The only difference was that Blaine was dancing with Kurt, but nobody would suspect anything from that.

Finn hadn't been trying to watch them, but he couldn't seem to stop. He wasn't too surprised by what he saw. He knew Kurt was with someone, and although he didn't know it was Blaine, that was what he would have guessed. They were always together. Of course, Finn would keep their secret. But he wasn't sure if he should tell them what he saw, or if it'd be best to keep it to himself. 

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