Touch My Soul

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When Blaine heard a knock on the door, he only hoped for one thing: that it wasn't Kurt. When he opened the door and saw Sam, he sighed in relief. "I wasn't expecting you. Do you need anything?"

"Um... Yeah, actually," Sam replied. "So, yesterday..."

"That was a one time thing," Blaine said quickly. At least, that's what he had intended. He probably should have considered that it might not have been, that maybe what was only a distraction to him could have meant something to Sam, but with everything that had been going on recently, it was hard for Blaine to think anything through.

"Yeah, yeah, I know it was, but... Can we talk about it? It's not really something we can just put behind us as soon as it happens, no matter how much you want to."

"Fine... Talk about it if you want, but after that, it's done. No more. Got it?"

"Got it. Well, you know me, you know how I am. I've been with a lot of girls, and it never works out. I don't know why. Maybe I just have bad taste, but... They're not bad. Well, most of them aren't... And I don't think I'm the problem... It just never felt right before. What everyone says about love, I thought I felt that. I thought I did, but now that I'm really thinking about it... I never did. But nothing has ever felt as real as being with you. I've never even thought about this before, and I never thought I'd ever think about being with a boy, but... I don't know, something changed, I guess. And I know that was just a one time thing, you don't want anything more, and I totally get that. I'm not gonna pressure you or try to change your mind or anything. I just... I thought I should tell you."

Blaine wasn't sure what to say. He knew he wasn't going to change his mind, at least not yet. He wasn't ready to move on. But obviously, he couldn't just ignore this, as much as he wanted to. "Okay... Well, it's still a one time thing. And you don't love me, either. But no matter what, we're still best friends, okay? And you can still come to me if you need anything."

"Okay. Thanks. I'll go now. Sorry for...all that. And don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong. You handled it better than I expected, actually. I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Blaine smiled a bit, then closed the door and went to lay on the couch. He had a lot on his mind, and nothing to do with Sam.

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