A Glooming Peace

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TW: Drug overdose, suicide

"Blaine, can you hear me?" Kurt asked, pulling Blaine close. Blaine nodded. "Good, good... Okay. Rachel, can we bring him up to your room? He needs to lay down."

"Sure. Follow me." Rachel led them up to her bedroom. Sam carried Blaine, and Kurt, Santana, Finn, and Puck followed. Sam laid Blaine on the bed.

"Blaine, are you awake?" Sam asked softly. Blaine nodded. "He's breathing really slow. And he's cold."

"How do you feel?" Puck asked. Blaine held his stomach and groaned. "Okay. Rachel, call an ambulance. Kurt, can you call his family? Seems like an overdose..." He took his jacket off and put it under Blaine's head, then turned him on his side. "In case he throws up..." 

Rachel called 911 and gave all the information she could. Kurt called Cooper and explained the situation, then said he would call as soon as Cooper would be able to see him. 

"He'll be okay," Puck said when Kurt got off the phone. 

"How can you be sure?" Kurt asked.

"I can't really, but... We can have hope." 

"I guess," Kurt mumbled, laying beside Blaine. 

"Kurt?" Blaine said quietly. 

"Yes, baby. I'm here."

"Do you love me?"

"Of course I do. I love you so much." 

Blaine nodded, closing his eyes. Kurt held him close, his arms around Blaine's stomach so he could make sure he was still breathing. 

"God, can that ambulance go any slower?" Santana said.

"I just called. They'll be here soon," Rachel replied.

"Uh, should we tell everyone else what's going on?" Finn asked.

"Screw them," Santana replied.

"I'll tell them," Rachel said, going back to her basement. 

"How's he doing, Kurt?" Sam asked.

Kurt shrugged. "Same as before." Maybe it was good that nothing had changed. He didn't get any colder, and his breathing didn't slow down any more. He wasn't doing good, but at least he was stable. Kurt just hoped he'd stay that way.

Rachel came back up after a few minutes. "I told them all to stay downstairs. Quinn is waiting outside, she said she'll wave the ambulance down when it gets here. Which will hopefully be soon."

"Hopefully?" Santana asked. "It better be soon!" 

"Calm down, Tana. It will be," Puck said. "And we don't need you getting worked up right now, okay? Stay calm as you can, if not for us, then for Blaine."

"I am calm."

"No fighting the paramedics when they get here."

"Do you really think I'd do that?"

"It was supposed to be a joke. I was trying to lighten the mood."

"I don't think anything can lighten the mood," Sam said. "Except Blaine being okay. Or the ambulance coming, maybe." 

"Blaine?" Kurt said quietly, trying to hide the obvious concern in his voice. "Are you okay? Can you hear me?"

"What's wrong?" Puck asked.

"I-I... I'm not sure if he's breathing," Kurt replied.

"Move," Puck said, running over to them. Kurt quickly let go of Blaine. "I don't think so either." They could hear faint sirens in the distance. "At least the ambulance is close... Maybe it's not too late." 

"I hate to say it, but... I think it is," Kurt said, holding Blaine close again.

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