7: Sleepover

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Savannah's point of view

Both me and Connie arrived at my house and had gone straight to my room. Both my parents were out of town for the weekend and Kevin was at my Grandparents for the night.

Connie: where's your family?
you: my parents are at something with friends and Kevin is at my grandparents house. my parents let me stay home because I'm old enough.
Connie: Luck my would never let me stay home alone.

She throws her stuff into the corner of my room and flops onto my bed.

You: do you want order pizza

She immediately sits up and runs down the stairs to the phone, me chasing after of course. Once I get to the bottom of the staircase I see her resting her face in her hand with her elbow propped up on the counter talking into the phone.

Connie: Savannah what do you want!
You: pepperoni
Connie: okay so we will get a large pepperoni and a large meat lovers with soda and Garlic knots... no that's all... okay thank you

She puts the phone down and jumps onto the couch where I was sitting.

You: 2 large pizzas, soda, and Garlic knots! what are we animals.
Connie: we will have extras
you: Really?

I say sarcastically as she rolls her eyes and all of a sudden turns to me all giddy and happy.

You: what now?
Connie: You and the cake eater?
You: you and Guy? What's up with you two? You've been crushing on him for months and that wink? I think someone gonna have a boyfriend.
Connie: nothing really we just hung out a couple nights ago and watched a movie...

She says wanting me to ask a question about her little movie night.

You: and then?
Connie: he told me he liked me! And I told him I liked him! And then he kissed me!

She squeals before standing up and jumping around excitedly. I'll let her have her moment of joy knowing the question I'm dreading will soon come out of her mouth. Then before I knew it she plops back down on the couch in ecstasy soon snapping out of it regaining her focus on me.

Connie: ok ok ok enough about me. You and Banks.
You: there's no me and Banks
Connie: but there is. You just won't admit you like him because your the most stubborn person on the planet.  
You: I am not, But you know who is-

I get cut off by her speaking again

Connie: see your avoiding the subject.
You: no I'm not. So are you and Guy boyfriend and Girlfriend?
Connie: no we're not yet he said we should go slow being on the same hockey team and everything. Stop changing the subject!
You: just because, I like watching him play hockey and the way he can feel through everyone, and that I like how he can make everything look easy. I like how mesmerising his bright blue piercing eyes are or that I like how his golden blonde hair flows so carelessly. Or that I like how he is so confident in himself and that we both have the same sense of humour. Or that he's so kind to me and concerned about me when I'm sad or hurt. Like when I went skating with him when my back was still fractured and he made sure he didn't do anything that could injure me. He tried to make me get off the ice but I wouldn't listen. Okay so I don't like him.

She starts giggling and I realised I just ranted all about how I like Adam.

You: oh my God I Like Adam. 
Connie: Ahhhhh!

She squeals and jumps up and down once again yelling that I like Adam as I groan and throw my head back. Until there's a knock at the door and me and Connie make eyes contact.

You: if that's one of the boys your dead.

I walk to the door and open it revealing the pizza man and I let out a relieved sigh.

You: Connie I need the money.

She runs over and hands him the money as I grab the pizzas and place them on the counter. She runs over and we both eat a slice or two before there's another knock at the door...

Adams point of view

Both Charlie and Guy are over at my house for a sleepover. I'm propped up on my bed frame, Charlie is sitting on my chair at my desk and Guy is lent against my wall.

Charlie: Guy are you and Connie dating?
Guy: not yet. We were hanging out a couple days ago and I kissed her and all.
Charlie: go Guy!

Charlie stands up and pats him on the upper back before sitting beside him both of them looking at me with grins on their faces.

me: what?
Guy: c'mon we all know you like Savannah
me: no I don't. Just because I love looking into her emerald green eyes that shine whenever any source of light reaches them. Or when she kisses my cheek it makes my entire face tingle and I'm stuck in aw. Or when I hug her and the feeling of her arms wrap around my shoulders makes my entire body freezes up. That I like how every time I see her I get butterflies or I get jealous when someone hugs her or something. Or that I stare at her whenever she's not looking because she so beautiful. See I don't like her!

They start laughing and sit beside me in my bed both patting my back.

Charlie: you've got the hots for Sinclair
Guy: Its true man everyone besides Savannah knows,
Me: oh god I do like her.

They both laugh at me and pat my back again before Charlie looks out of the window.

Charlie: some dude just pulled up to Sav's house and Connie's over.

Both Guy and I stand up and go to the window.

both: Where?

Charlie laughs at both of us before looking back out there.

Charlie: it's a pizza delivery driver come on!

he runs out of my room downstairs both of us following and we run over to her house before knocking on the door. Then She answers the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. Savannah Sinclair. I break out of her thought when someone's arms are wrapped around my waist. I look down slightly and see Savannah there giving me a side hug. I smile and wrap my arms around her shoulder as both of us walk into her house. We spent a few hours there until Savannah comes up with a idea.

Savannah: why don't you guys sleepover we can all stay in the living room and watch movies?
Me: I mean if they want to

Guy and Charlie both nod and the three of us leave and run back to my house and grab our stuff and run back to Savannah's house. A hour passes and we've changed into our Pyjamas and I couldn't help but stare at Savannah. She was wearing these pink silk shorts with black lace and a oversized white t-shirt. I just look at her in awe when I feel someone hit my shoulder I turn to look and I see Charlie smiling, I just roll my eyes and lay back onto Savannah's couch. It was me, Savannah and Charlie on the couch and Connie and Guy on the floor. About half way through the movie I feel a head gently placed on my chest I look to see a sleeping Savannah and I smile.

Connie: she's sleeping huh?
Me: yep it's alright though.

I put my arm around her shoulder and lean back further so she'd be more comfortable. After the movie had finished Charlie moved to a chair and Connie and Guy were laying on the floor asleep. I had laid down with my legs on the other side of the couch and  Savannah has one leg over my waist and one arm over my chest. I has my arm along her back and I played with strands of her long brown hair falling asleep with her in my arms.

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