27: warriors practice

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We were all walking out of the dressing room doors and to the gates of the ice. We stop looking out at the rink seeing the varsity team practicing. And their good like really good.

Fulton: wow this place is great.
Guy: this is a nice rink.
Dwayne: it's huge.
Goldberg: you know I bet they even have a snack bar here.
Fulton: big deal.
Luis: they look pretty good
Julie: they sure won a lot of championships
Russ: they're huge
Charlie: they're not so hot.
Connie: come on guys we could skate out there

Their practice shorty ends and they make their way to the doors we are exiting.

Riley: if it isn't captain ducky.
Fulton: get your hands off him.
Cole: ooo look a bash brother. I'm so scared.
You: shut up Cole
Cole: the pretty girl knows my name. Whatcha doing later sweetheart?
Adam: going out with me her boyfriend
Cole: always use two.

Adam tries to push his way to the front but their coach pulls varsity away before anything happened. They skate to the other side of the ice and leave while our team skates on.

Charlie: how about it cowboy round up?
Connie: hey Charlie shouldn't we wait for the new coach before we mess around.
You: yeah we don't know his drills or policies.
Charlie: this is how we practice. Duck hockey girls. He'll have to get used to it sooner of later. Well cmon cowboy hit it.
Dwayne: yee has round em up doggies.

That's when we all take off in different directions. I see Connie holding onto the back of Julie's pads and Dwayne missing the both of them. Before I can skate over to where they are someone grabs my waist and spins me around. I see Adam and Dwayne skating closer to us. I fall to the ground watching as the rope slides over Adam's torso. I look up at him with a amused smirk and he looks down at me with an fake annoyed expression.

Adam: that was not very nice.
You: hey not my fault you weren't paying attention
Adam: I was too distracted by your beauty.
You. I know you were Banksy.

He pulls me to his feet and tries to kiss me but I look away and pat his chest before skating off. I hear him yelling my name. Dwayne ropes Charlie and he falls to the ground right in front of a pair of skates. I whistle blows and the man stops as we all skate to the centre of the ice.

"My name is coach Orion you can call me coach, or coach Orion"
Charlie: well you can call me Charlie.
Orion: that must be what that c on your jersey stands for huh? It sure doesn't stand for captain.
Russ: sorry coach we're just messing with you you know.
Goldberg: hey Bombay gave him that C.
Orion: and I respect that but that's in the past. This is my team now and I will be selecting captain.
Charlie: you gotta be kidding me right? I mean your the rookie here. We've all been together for four years.
All: yeah.
Orion: okay Charlie laps now.
Charlie: how many coach Orion.
Orion: I don't recall saying.

Charlie takes the rope off of his chest and skates away from the group. He starts skating laps as Coach skates in front of all of us.

Orion: now you listen up and you listen up good. We are here for one reason and one reason only. You know what that is? It starts with a w
Averman: too win coach Orion sir!
Orion: no

Russ breaks out a laugh before covering it up with a cough.

Orion: to work. High school hockey is very hard work. And it all begins with defence. I've seen your tapes I know you can score goals I just don't know if you can stop them.
Goldberg: hey.

He fake chuckles but stops when he sees coach's facial expression and finishing with a sorry. In all honesty coach Orion was intimidating and non of us were really used to coaching like that besides Banks her had coach Riley the psycho that wanted to kill me.

Orion: your not kids or little ducks anymore so I'm not gonna treat you that way. Your gonna learn to play two way hockey. Offence and defence. It's gonna take one thing. It starts with a W.
Averman: To work! Coach Orion sir!

Dwayne hits him on the shoulder at his attempt to be some tough persona.

Orion: wrong. Will. It's gonna take real will if you wanna play in my barn. All right. Count off let's climb the ladder. I was a 1 so we all lined up in order for a shootout on Goldberg. Adam was the first to shoot and of course Goldberg had some of his stupid little comments to say. We went down the line, it was my turn and I skates towards him and flicked the puck in the air shooting it into the net.

Goldberg: okay maybe I didn't let that one slide.

Everyone but Fulton and Ken had shot but Ken tried his figure skating moves and knocked Goldberg down as they slid to the boards with the net.

Orion: Baryshnikov knock that off.

Dwayne leans over to my ear and whispers.

Dwayne: who's that?
You: a famous dance choreographer.
Dwayne: ohh I get it.

I nod as he stands straight again. We all start shooting at Julie while Goldberg is saying something stupid to coach. Nobody got a shot passed her but me but I only got one because I only did the magic shot once. After we had all shot it was time for the hardest practice we've all ever had. After our ice time was over we all made our way to the dressing room exhausted.

Goldberg: somebody get me a shovel and barry me right here.
Charlie: I will teach you to play like what? Starts with a W!
Averman: wussies.
Charlie: that's right wussy's on offence and defence.
Russ: defence defence defence!

Russ tells as he punches the lockers. I lean my head on Adam's shoulder but sit up straight hearing the voice if coach. Everyone quickly fixes themselves up bringing all of their attention to coach.

Orion: Eden Hall academy requires you to maintain a C average to compete. I believe that's a bad rule.
Goldberg: go coach.
Orion: I don't want any C players on my team. I want B's or better or your gonna be riding the pine pony. Now you've got fifteen minutes after each practice to clear this locker room. You got homework to do. Oh one more thing stay clear of varsity until we play them in the JV Varsity showdown. You got that?

We all nod and he leaves the room with a large slam.

Russ: fifteen minutes man I cannot move.
Connie: hey guys look he posted our positions.

I stand up as a few others do as well and make my way to the sheet on the bullet board.

Fulton: I don't believe this I play left side not right.
Russ: third line man that's a major diss!
You: Centre! I can't play defence to save my life!
Adam: I'm not even posted.
Connie: yeah you are Adam Banks third line centre. Varsity?
Adam: I made Varsity?

I hear the disappointment in his voice as he walks away so I walk after him. We both sit down beside each other and start taking off our stuff.

Adam: can I come over tonight?
You: of course babe.

He smiles and kisses my forehead as we both continue taking our stuff off. Once we are done getting undressed Adan grabs my hand and we both walk out of the room. We meet my mom at the front and put our stuff in the trunk of the car. We arrive at my house and Adam walks home quick. I hop in the shower and change into sweats and a hoodie. I walk back into my room to see Adam laying on my bed watching road house. I walk over to my bed and get under the covers as he wraps his arms around me.

You: are you happy you made Varsity?
Adam: I don't know. I mean my dads proud of me and I'm on varsity a year before Evan did. But I don't get to play with any of you and all of the varsity players are assholes.
You: well as long as you don't turn into an asshole I'm sure you'll be fine. Plus non of the ducks could ever be mad at you because your on various it's not like you chose to be.
Adam: I guess. But shouldn't you be on varsity, I mean your way better then me.
You: I am not better then you at hockey Banks and if I were I'm not I the team because I'm a girl. Girls don't make it far in sports especially sports like hockey.
Adam: who knows maybe you'll be the first girl in the NHL
You: I highly doubt it.
Adam: you will be just wait. Oh and I need help with my English homework.
You: they Adam Banks needs school work help.
Adam: yes they Adam Banks does now please help me.
You: fine.

He grabs his backpack that was in the side of the bed he was laying on and sits up. I do the same and that's how we spend the night. Homework, cuddling, and movies.

We're enemies ~ Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now