16: Trinidad

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We were all walking into the airport me on Fulton's back while Adam held my luggage. As we are standing outside of the gate of the plane waiting to board. My eyes get heavy and I fall asleep but quickly waking up to a hand on my back.

Dean: sleeping beauty. We have a plane to load.
You: Fulton can you carry me to my seat.
Fulton: I don't know where your sitting.
You: me either.

I say and immediately fall back asleep again. Moments later I was awoken once again but this time I was being transferred onto Adam's back. I don't even care I just doze back off until we get seated. Adam somehow got coach to switch his seats with Julie so now she has to sit with Averman and Goldberg. I get to sit by Charlie and Adam which was much better. I wake up from someone moving me around and I wake up to see Charlie and Adam trying to put my seatbelt on me. I start laughing and do it myself leaning onto Adam's shoulder.

You: good try guys.
Charlie: not my fault your scary when your tired.
You: sorry I like my beauty sleep.
Averman: what beauty.

He laughs but I glare at him which makes him immediately stop. I give him a sarcastic smile and turn back around facing forward.

You: now I will be going to sleep again.

I lay my head on Adam's shoulder and fall back asleep again. Nearly after and hour I wake up in my own this time. I see Charlie and Adam both sleeping so I turn round to see Julie and Averman sleeping while Goldberg was just listening to music. I don't feel like bothering them so I look around to see Dean and Fulton awake talking. Their the only people awake so I get out of my seat and walk over to them.

Dean: and the princess is awake.
Fulton: come sit.

He moves over a seat and I sit in the available seat.

You: when do we land? This is so boring.
Dean: poor princess.
You: Call me princess one more time Dean see what happens.
Dean: ok pri-
Fulton: Don't! She's scary.
You: Thank you Fulton. Now don't call me princess again. Got it? Because you will not be able to play hockey for the rest of your life. Ok?
Dean: y-yes ma'am
Fulton: told you.
Dean: why does everyone say she's nice
Fulton: oh she is one of the nicest girls you will ever meet just don't piss her off.
Dean: alright. Keep that in mine. Prin- Savannah.
You: thank you Portman.

I give him an innocent smile and Fulton just laughs at me. We spend a while talking with each other until both of them look behind me and start laughing. I turn around to see Adam standing their with a serious expression.

You: hey Banksy!
Adam: Don't hey Banksy me.

He picks me up from the seat and walks over to our row sitting me down on his lap. He puts his head in my neck and in minutes I hear him snoring.

You: Conway! Charles! Charlie! Caption Ducky! Charlie James Conway!

His head shoots up and I start laughing. He groans and falls back asleep leaving me wide awake in Adam's lap and everyone else is sleeping.


We were winning 6-0 in the 2nd period. Adam had scored 2, I had scored 1, Charlie scored 1, Jesse scored 1, and Guy had scored one. Connie had just scored another goal and some guy was tormenting Jesse which I found funny. Jesse was sent out but got tripped and collided into the goal post. He stood up and went after the Trinidad player but getting put into the penalty box to get harassed by the boy more. I get put on with Dean, Fulton, Adam, and Guy. Dean and Fulton were skating up the ice hitting everyone down and then Dean goes and shoots scoring on the Trinidad goalie. They skate to the boards and start celebrating like idiots. I skate over to them and hit their heads together. Not hard but I now quickly causes the stands to erupt in a bigger cheer as Fulton and Dean chase after me. I skate into the bench and sit down next to Charlie seeing Adam staring at the stands. Scouts he's always worried about scouts.

We're enemies ~ Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now