42: The End.

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It's been 6 years since our wedding. Adam and I are now both 28 with 3 kids. I know it's a lot. The oldest is a boy named Bentley who's 5 and a half. And we have a set of girl twins names Brielle and Blakley who are both 7 months old. We went with all B names because of the last name Banks. We now live in a 6 bedroom house on the outskirts of New York with 3 acres of land. Adam became one of the top public offenders in Brooklyn and I am on maternity leave at the moment. We love how that works huh. Not much else has changed with us. We are both very happy and stable. We love each other the same if not more then ever and that will never change. Now that's all that's happened since the 1990's and I hope it stays that way forever.

I smile to myself as I press the save button and power off my computer. I hear someone come in the room and place there head on my shoulder.

You: hey baby
Adam: did you finish?
You: not yet
Adam: well can I read it.
You: Banks you've read the whole thing.
Adam: not this part
You: you can read it later. Where's my babies?
Adam: Our babies.
You: yeah yeah
Adam: don't yeah yeah me.
You: I'll yeah yeah what ever I want.
Adam: your dead!

I get up from my chair and Adam chases me down the stairs then up the other one until I run into the girls room. He stops running and enters quietly knowing there sleeping.

Adam: you can't use that as your protection every time
You: but I will every time.
Adam: I know you will.

He rolls his eyes and walks over to where I was standing as I was leaning over the girls crib. Bentley runs in the room.

Bentley: mommy your done!

He runs to me and hugs my leg so I pick him up as he kisses my cheek.

Bentley: I love you mommy.
Adam: hey what about me?
Bentley: Sometimes
Adam: how dare you.

Bentleys eyes widen and he squirms from my arms so I let him down as Adam chases him out of the room. The house fills with Adam and Bentleys laughter as I look down at the girls.

You: what are we gonna do with them huh?

I smile and kiss each of there heads and walk out of the room to the living room to see Adam tickling Bentley.

Adam: shh look who's here

Bentley looks up and whispers something into Adam's ear.

Adam; now that's a plan. Come on get her!

They both stand up and start chasing me around the house. This is what my life is now. And I wouldn't change it for the world. No need to sound cheesy but. The End.~ Savannah Sinclair

I press the save button as I power off the computer and walk down to my beautiful family. Now when will this book get released?


I hope you all got the ending. I know this last chapter was super short but the story is now completed. I hope you all enjoyed it because I've enjoyed writing it.

If anyone has any requests for any other books leave them here. I already have a Daniel Larruso, Benny Rodriguez, Chris Chambers, Sodapop Curtis, Eyeball Chambers, and Darryl Curtis story that are being written. Plus the 80s 90s imagines.

Thank you all for the support on this story it's been truly amazing :)

We're enemies ~ Adam BanksTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon