24: championship pt. 2

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I was laying on the medic table getting my back wrapped when coach walks in the room. The medic walks out after she's done and I pull my shirt down and sit down in my spot.

Coach: do you all enjoy that?
All: yeah!
Coach: well so did they, because their up still three points up and we're one period away from defeat.

We all sit down sighing almost simultaneously.

Jesse: well if we can't beat them we mine as well keep our pride.
All: yeah
Coach: Jesse that's not pride, sure when Dwayne roped that big oaf a part of me cheered. But guys I've been their I know how you feel. I wanted to cream that jerk that busted my knee when I played in the minors. And I really really wanted to go after Stannson for that cheap shot. But you know what? My knee will heal, and if I become someone I'm not, if I sink to their level. Well then I've lost more then my knee. You understand?
All: yeah
Coach: we're not goons, we're not bullies. No matter what people say or do we have to be ourselves. You who are you?
Dean: Dean Portman.
Coach: from where.
Dean: Chicago Illinois
Coach: You.
Guy: Guy Germaine from St.Paul Minnesota.
Coach: you.
Jesse: Jesse Hall from Minneapolis Minnesota
Coach: who are you?
Julie: Julie Gaffney from Bangor Maine
Luis: Luis Mendoza from Miami Florida
Goldberg: Greg Goldberg from Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Averman: Les Averman Brooklyn Park Minnesota
Fulton: Fulton Reed Stillwater Minnesota
Russ: Russ Tyler south central Los Angeles
Charlie: Charlie Conway Minneapolis Minnesota
Ken: Ken Wu San Francisco California
Connie: Connie Moreau Minneapolis Minnesota
You: Savannah Sinclair Edina Minnesota
Adam: Adam Banks Edina Minnesota
Dwayne: Dwayne Robertson Austin Texas
MacKay: Michelle Mackay Duluth Minnesota
Coach: and I'm Gordon Bombay Minneapolis Minnesota

We all start cheering loudly while clapping.

Coach: we're team USA gathered from all across America and were gonna stick together. You know why?
Hans: because we are Ducks. And ducks fly together.
Coach: That's right Han. Just when you think their about or break apart
All: Ducks fly together!
Mackay: and when the wind blows hard and the sky is black.
All: Ducks fly together!
Dwayne: and when the roosters are crowing and the cows are spinning circles in the pasture.
All: umm.... Ducks fly together!
Coach: and when everyone says it can't be done. Ducks fly together.
Han: now new ducks and old ducks must unite under a new banner and I thought perhaps something like this.

He takes out new ducks jersey from a large box. We all put them on and get into the ice hearing the cheers of our fans and shock from our new jersey's.

All: Quack, Quack, Quack!

The fans chant along with us.

All: Go... Ducks!

Then the game starts and their our team was this wasn't team USA we were the ducks and we were playing like it too. And before we knew it Connie scored here was the team I started with. Then Stahl scores almost a shirt after making it 6-3. We called a time out because Charlie had some sort of play for us.

Averman: Charlie what are you showing is this ain't the NBA.
Charlie: no but it's the perfect teamwork play.

Adam skates down centre with it and drops it back to Dwayne who flicks it up in the air. Adam skates to the puck but gets tripped right before he gets to the puck but hist it into the net in just the nick of time scoring. And once again the crowd erupts in cheers and everyone skates to Adam and cheers him on as he's getting up celebrating our now 6-4. The end of third period was being and Mendoza had the puck I was skating as close behind as I could in case he were to fall and I could get a rebound of some sort but that was not the case this time. He stops right in front of the goalie spraying him with snow and just stands their in shock.

We're enemies ~ Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now