29: varsitys new teammate

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We were skating laps around the rink in our new JV jerseys when Julie hips over the boards and I can hear the gagging from the other side of the rink.

Orion: Julie the cat! What's a matter eat a fur ball.
Goldberg: yeah that's good coach, I like that, fur ball.
That's uh very clever.
Orion: just get in the net Goldberg
Goldberg: me! Sure thing be my pleasure.

He skates off to the net as we start scrimmaging. I see the varsity coach writing stuff down on his clip board while watching us. Ken takes it and skates towards Charlie as Coach yells at him to make the first move which he doesn't and Ken gets around him. I skate up quickly sweeping the puck from Ken and passing it to Charlie who was open who then gets the puck tacked away from him. I don't know what was going on with him but something was really messing him up.

Orion: freeze! I said freeze! Averman!

He talks as Averman falls into the board standing on one leg.

Averman: I did freeze
Orion: where's the one place you never want to clear the puck?
Charlie: it looked open
Orion: just answer the question Conway.
Charlie: listen I'm not a defensemen I'm a scorer.
Orion: follow me.

He stakes off with Charlie slowly following behind as the rest of us look at each other. Orion opens the penalty box door and Charlie steps in throwing his helmet.

Orion: anybody share his opinion.

Silence. Everyone looked at one another but nobody said a word.

Orion: ok then take a knee.

We do so and he skates towards us grabbing a puck from the ice and holding it up.

Orion: what's one thing every team has in common?
Averman: great coaching
Orion: don't try to suck up to me Averman. Defence. See. Unlike scorning defence never quits. But to play great defence you need one thing above all else.
Averman: bet it starts with a W.
Orion: confidence. Listen if you learn nothing else when you're here, you learn this. All right? Cause it's not just about hockey it's easy to be confident when you have control of the puck. It's very very difficult to keep that confidence when you gotta take whatever strange bounces life throws your way. Don't be careless but don't be to carful either. You cannot be afraid to loose. That's how you gain the confidence to attack the game when the puck isn't yours. That's how you attack life. Even when you think you don't have any control. And that's how you play real defence.

He blows the whistle and we all rise to our feet.

Orion: Finish practice off cmon! Shoot out!

We all line up at the face off circle and one by one take a shot and each getting off the ice. After I had finished getting undressed I walked out of the dressing room to see Orion and the varsity coach talking outside the door. I give them both a smile but as soon as I was going to walk away Orion called my name.

Orion: Sinclair.
You: yes?
Orion: your on varsity.
You: what?!? No way! Please say your joking I can't play with those goons. No offence.
"Your little boyfriends there and I'm sure you've met the team. I think you'll fit in just fine"
You: I got in just fine with my team not some bullies. Cant you do something Coach?
Orion: my hands are tied Sinclair.
You: don't expect me to be nice to those boys then.

I fix the strap on my bag and walk off but get honked at as soon as I'm out of the parking lot. I turn around to see Adam in the drivers seat of his dads old car.

You: what are you doing?
Adam: my dad gave this to me sweet huh? Hop in.

I throw my bag in the back seat and get in. Adam smiles at me a quickly kisses me while putting a hand on my thigh and looking off at the exit of the parking lot. He puts his foot on the pedal and off we go.

Adam: how was practice?
You: good until I came out of the parking lot.
Adam: why's that?
You: introducing your new teammate.
Adam: really? What are we gonna be called now? Warrior couple.
You: I thought it was Binclair
Adam: well duh. But the duck couple.
You: we were called that once when you were trying to make Luis jealous.
Adam: I like it though
You: of course you do. Where are we going anyways.
Adam: my place.
You: no I need a shower.
Adam: maybe I could join?

He says with a sarcastic wink making me roll my eyes.

You: you wish.

I say with a laugh making him chuckle a bit as he continued driving for a bit before pulling into his driveway. I grab my bag from the back seat and run it over to my house quickly and meeting him at his porch. We both walk in to a empty house and make our way to the upstairs. I grab a towel from the towel closet thingy and walked into Adam's room setting it down on his chair and laying down in Adam's bed beside him.

Adam: I thought you were having a shower.
You: I thought you were joining me.
Adam: I-I was J-just kidding about that b-but if you want.
You: I never said I didn't.

I smile and kiss him before pulling away and grabbing the towel from the chair and hurriedly made my way to the bathroom locking the door before Adam came over. I turns on the shower and stripped from my clothes. I hear Adam trying to open the door and scoffing.

Adam: I should've known.
You: I umm guess you took to long.
Adam: that was mean.
You: oops.

I giggle and continue with my shower. I get out after I had finished and wrapped the towel around myself realizing I had no clothes to change into.

You: Banksyyyyyyy
Adam: what?
You: I need clothes.
Adam: alright one sec.

I wait standing there before I hear a knock on the bathroom door so I open it a quarter way a poke my head through.

Adam: here you are.

I smile and try to grab it as he pulls it away with a huge smirk. I try to grab it again and he pulls it away farther.

Adam: so your plan backfired.
You: please banks.
Adam: oops.

He says mockingly. I roll my eyes and open the door fully and Adam's eyes grow a little bit wider at the fact that the towel only covers three quarters of my ass. I take the towel from him and clothes the door quickly. I hear him chuckle cockily from the other side of the door and change into the sweatpants and hoodie of his. I walk out of the bathroom into Adam's room laying on the bed.

You: hope you enjoyed the show
Adam: oh I did.

I roll my eyes and he pulls me on top of him kissing me quickly then pulling away starring into my eyes.

Adam: but I don't need to see your body to know that your beautiful.

I picked out my lip with a smile and kiss him again this time longer before I pull away resting my head on his chest.

We're enemies ~ Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now