2: The hockey game

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My parents drop be and Connie off at the arena before driving off to go get coffees. Connie and I walk into the dressing room with everyone else. I watch as everyone puts on there old used equipment and helmets that aren't even for hockey. They didn't even have jerseys. I on the other hand get new equipment whenever mine breaks or gets to small which I find unfair to the rest of the team but there families can't afford it. See I live in the rich area but based off of the county lines I'm on district 5 which I'm fine with I mean I love them all to death but sometimes I wished that they could play even just a little bit better. I tie up my skates and we all walk onto the bench. We all watch the Hawks as they skate around warming up until McGill and Larson skate over town
our bench.

Larson: hey girls.

Karp attempts to jump over the boards before being pulled back by Goldberg. A couple minutes later Coach arrives just as the Hawks are chanting.

Win win win win win win!

Coach: all right guys gather around. Win win win!

Everyone cheers but it sounds for miserable than a cheer. I just stand outside the bench waiting to get put on.

Coach: ok Charlie, Savannah, Jesse, Terry, and Guy your on.

I skate and watch as our team hits Goldberg's pads and Jesse trips him. I'm watching this from centre ice until someone shoves my shoulder. I turn to see McGill.

McGill: hey princess we need a cheerleader wanna take off those pads and grab your Pom poms.
You: you don't need a cheerleader I'm already looking at one.

I skate away heading a huff come from him as he skates to the face off. Terry, Jesse, and guy all skate up before McGill says something and Jesse lunges at him before getting pulled away by the ref. The puck drops after I hear Averman making annoying noises that I can't quite make out. Then the puck drops and McGill pushes Guy to the ground taking the puck as my entire team slides after him. I notice him get cocky so I skate behind him and check the puck from him before skating away ahead of everyone. I get to the goalie and take I quick behind the back shot that goes in. I hear my entire team cheer and they skate over to pay me on the back. That's the one thing I love about them there always there for me. I go to the bench and here the hawks coach yelling at them.

Coach: Savannah stay out rest of you change it up.

I nod and going back out as I take the face off against Banks right before the puck drops I say something

You: have fun babe.

His eyes widen and I sweep up the puck passing it to Peter who quickly passes it back to me after falling. I skate and stop with nobody near I take my slap shot and it goes right in top corner. I hear the announcers talk.

"And Savannah scores again making it 2-0 for the ducks"

I smile before someone checks me to the ground. I look up and see Larson smirking. I flash him a smile before sticking my skate under his making him fall on his face. I quickly get up and skat to my bench.

Coach: Savannah your on next line
You: ok coach.

I watch as the Hawks score two goals while I'm not on so Coach sends me out. I hop on the ice and drive through everyone before getting tripped and falling right into the goal post. Someone skates over and helps me up. I see Charlie there.

You: did it go in?
Charlie: yes it went in
You: yay
Charlie: I can't believe we're actually winning
You: I know we're playing great
Charlie: You! Are playing great
You: no I think we all are
Charlie: whatever.

I laugh and skate to the bench to be sent back out again. Finally the first periods over resulting in us tying so far.

Coach: ok we're tied Savannah your out.
You: Coach not everyone's gone out yet let them play
Coach: ok ok, Averman, Connie, Savannah, Karp, and Guy your all out.

We're enemies ~ Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now