36: not playing like warriors

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Orion: now I've been doing my homework on the varsity. I'm not gonna lie to you they're good. The way they wiped your faces in the dirt last time was no fluke. So if you want your pride back you better be willing to work. There's nothing glamorous about it. in the pros we call it blue collar hockey. Now there's one thing the base sort does very well. They're vultures around the net. They pick up every piece of loose trash. That's how they beat you. Not with the first shot, the second, and the third. They bang in the junk. So if you wanna win your gonna have to pick up the trash.

Coach explains as he dumps a entire garbage can full of items all over the ice where we are kneeling.

Averman: have any cream cheese?

He says holding up a mouldy bagel.


We were skating one at a time in front of the net blocking the trash Orion was shooting at Julie. Once there was a minimal amount of garbage in the net Orion blew the whistle as we all went into the dressing room.


The weeks practices consisted of picking up trash off the road on our roller blades. Or practicing keeping out or putting in the trash. We were getting a lot better at making sure the trash wasn't getting into the net. Well until Orion blew his whistle and we all stopped skating.

Orion: let's go! Get over here!

Uh oh he seemed pissed at us for something. We all quickly made our way to him kneeling around him all nervous.

Orion; you guys are not skating like Warriors! You look like something else.

He pauses and open up a cardboard box that somehow fit over the garbage can.

Orion: you look like ducks

He smiles and holds up our white ducks jerseys that apparently they had to give back to Orion after the whole Junior Varsity, Varsity game after that night at the restaurant.

Orion: Robertson!

That made us all know he was for real and everyone started cheering hitting there sticks against the ice. We all stand up and grab our jerseys from the box. Charlie makes us all stand up and skate around in a circle hitting our sticks on the ice chanting Ducks over and over again.


Mom: Savannah can you go to the store we need more milk and bread!

I hear my mom yell from the kitchen so I get out of bed and walk downstairs putting on my runners and grabbing the cash my mom put on the table.

You: bye!
Mom: thank you!

I walk out of the house and make my way to the grocery store that was a good fifteen minute walk so it wasn't terrible. Once I had reached the store I bought the items and left to be stopped by Larson and McGill. Once they realize who I am smirks spread on there faces.

McGill: look who the car dragged in.
Larson; heard you and little Banksy broke it off huh?
McGill: did you realize how much of a wuss he his?
You: do either of you ever know when to stop talking.
McGill: nice to know you didn't loose that hot little attitude of yours.
Larson: not the only thing she kept.

He says as he stares at my ass making McGill look too.

McGill: damn didn't think you could get even hotter.
You: can you both just fuck off so I can leave.
McGill: oh sweetheart it hasn't been that long huh? Why would we leave you alone.
You: just because your mad you both suck at hockey doesn't mean you have to suck at being a decent human.

That shattered there ego and instead filled them with anger.

"Michael who are you flirting with now?"

I hear a feminine voice come out from the store hoping it was like his girlfriend or something but no. It was Emily. Emily!

McGill: just an old friend.
Emily: oh you.
You: just the face I wanted to see.
Larson: you know each other?
Emily: she stole my boyfriend
You: I was dating him for three years!
Emily: so your not dating anymore!
You: no we just wanted your nasty ass to leave!
McGill: don't fucking talk about my sister like that!
You: Sister!

As if this couldn't get any worse she had to be related to McGill.

You: well your sister is in love with Banks so...
McGill; What!
Emily: Micheal- I-I know you hate him but he's so- hot.
McGill: Banks! Adam Banks!

As they start arguing I slip away thankfully unharmed and as soon as I get around the corner I make a run for it straight to my house without stopping. Having two six foot boys that hate my guts plus the girl who hates my guts gang up on me. That's my worse nightmare right there. As I get to my driveway I see someone sitting on my porch stairs. Just like peewees. Sitting in the same spot he used to after every one of my practices.

Adam: where'd ya go?
You: don't ask.

I say as I sit beside him on the steps.

Adam: what happened?
You: did you know Emily is McGills sister?
Adam: What! No way.
You: yep that's what happened. I ran into Larson and McGill and they kept hitting on me like usual then Emily came out and started talking about how I stole you from her. So then I just told McGill she was in love with you and then I ran.
Adam: what a lovely little grocery run you had.
You: shut up.
Adam: well I gotta go just stopped by for a visit.
You: alright I'll see you tomorrow when we kick varsity's ass.
Adam: we better. I wanna see Riley's face when you skate passed him.
You: that'll be the highlight of my life.
Adam: I can think of a couple other things.

He winks and walks away before stopping at his door.

Adam: good night!
You: Night!

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