Tracy south

29.5K 416 191

I was outside waiting to pickup my son, tommy from school. There were about thirty more or less other parents there to.  Then there was a crash as a black car drove up. It looked perfectly normal to me. Two people got out one was blond with gray eyes the other had black hair and green eyes.
The bell rang.
Hundreds of kids came piling out of the school, my tommy came running towards me. On the first day of school each of the kids have to wear a sticker that said "hi my name is_" . I watched as five kids went running over to the odd couple. Their names were Charles, Luke, Zoe, Bianca, and Selina. My son watched with wide eyes as they got in their car.
"What's wrong, sweetie?" I asked him.
"Mommy can we get a black flying horse for our family to?" Tommy asked pointing at the black car.
"Umm... Honey that's a car." My son giggled.
"Silly mommy its a horse with wings."
I think my child's gone insane.

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