Paige Rogers

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I was standing at the door of a bed and mattress store waiting for customers. If you haven't guessed it yet I'm a sails women, one of the people who try to sell you stuff. A couple walked in. The man smiled and said "Hey." Then he headed toward the water bed section. His wife followed shaking her head.
"Percy were not getting a water bed."
Percy looked at her sadly "why not I love them, and I know you think their comfortable."
The woman sighed. "Because I don't need you making the bed explode or shoot water at us in the middle of the night!"
I walked over getting ready to make my move.
"But Annabeth..."
"Excuse me, did you know that this bed can't be broken or popped un less and elephant is sitting on it? I doubt you'll break it."
"Thank you but my husband and three of my kids tend to be and exception to that." She said calmly before turning her back on me. Just then five kids burst into the store.
"Mommy," the youngest boy screamed "Zoe sprayed me!"
Annabeth looked over at the youngest child who looked about four.
"Zoe is that true?"
"Yes mommy!" She said with a trouble making grin. "And I'll do it again to!"
The four year old lifted her little arms into the air and suddenly all the water mattresses exploded.
"Zoe!" The mother shrieked.
Then the family turned and left. On the way out the little girl, Zoe turned and said. "I'm sorry!" Then skipped ahead of the feast of the family.

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