Tracy south part three

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Everything in the room was white, the walls the floors, the ceiling, even the outfit of the people working there. I wiggled up out of my covers and sat up, watching he busy hospital atmosphere.
"Mrs South," a deep voices man said, "I'm Doctor McIntire," he smiled, "you had a bad concussion but you should be ready to go soon." I let the news sink in, thinking back to what had happened before.
"Is Tommy alright?" I asked him groggily tubing the sleep from my eyes.
"He's fine, got quite the imagination that one."
My head snapped up, "can you help him?" His face looked thoroughly confused,
"Help him with what?"
"He's sick!" I said angrily, I mean what kind of doctor was this guy?!
"He seams fine to me." The doctor shrugged.
",no,no, he sees things that aren't real, and, and he talks about monsters and gods!" I gasped. A sneer broke on to the doctors face. He licked his lips.
"Thank you mam you've just found me my dinner." He slid down the hall.
My eyes widened, all I could think was I'm so so so so sorry my Tommy, it looks like I'm the one who passed the crazy gene on to you. I ran out of the hospital bed and dashed down the hall after the so called doctor. My heart pounding like a hammer in my chest I turned the corner, dashed down another hall and ducked into the room.
The "doctor" had Tommy pinned to the wall, Tommy held a base ball bat as if it were a sword, he was trembling in fear but yelling,
"Stay away from me!!!! I will use this!!!"
Furious I charged at the man knocking him to the floor, then I did the only sensible thing for a mother to do I yelled at him while punching the lights out of him.
Once he was knocked out for sure I stood up and dusted off my hands.
"Come Tommy," I said holding it my hand. Wide eyed he took it and I lead him out of the building. If there is one thing I learned from that experience it was that it was never ever ever king to go to thy hospital again.

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