Ellie Harrison

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It was lunch time, and as always I was sitting at a table in the cafeteria. If you knew me you'd know that I had lots of friends, before we moved anyways. Now I sat alone watching others horse around, chat or simply eat. I'll admit I was feeling sorry for myself, they had friends in this school, mine were in different countries.
I pulled my lunch out of my bag, a container of soup among other things I didn't feel up to eating. It had been two weeks and I still got the vibe that propel thought I was the weird new girl.
"Hey?" A male voice said, I didn't bother looking up, it was a one percent chance he was talking to me anyways, d why get my hopes up?
"Can I sit here?" He put his hands on the chair next to me. I hadn't seen him before, dark hair and eyes that were as green as the sea, and like the sea their hue changed ever so slightly ever second.
"Ummm..... Ya I guess." I finally forced out trying to keep my cool, but really my insides were screaming: OMG OMG OMG SOMEONE WANTS TO SIT WITH ME!!
"Do are you new?"
"Cool we don't get many new kids here, I know of another new girl, hey what if I go get her to introduce you two!" I opened my mouth to say something but he had obviously taken that as a yes.
"Cool I'll be right back," he darted off then came back "don't move!" He added running off again.
Once again I was alone and I couldn't help but wonder if this had been some kind of cruel prank. Before I could decide weather to wait or to get up and leave the boy returned dragging a blind girl behind him.
"This is Annabeth." He grins
"Nice to meet you," the grey eyes girl smiles.
"Annabeth this is...,," he looks over at me for a little help "Ellie," I finish for him.
"Ellie." He finished his sentence anyways.
"So your both new and I thought it would be cool if you got to know each other." Annabeth shrugged
"Sure, it's worth a try seaweed brain."
I still wasn't sure what to think of the situation but shrugged and went along with it, after all the best way to do anything is to just do it.
Sorry it's not my longest or best chapter but I've been really busy and I wanted  to update for you! But alas I do have a good idea Brewing in my head I just have to get it on paper.

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