Paige Rogers part 2

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First of all I have to apologize for not updating regularly. I am kinda busy with stuff like school and sadly ((even though it would be fabulous if I could)) I can't write fanfiction all the time. I do however try to update when I can! Thanks to all of you loyal readers 😘! Anyways I've had a request for a part two of this and here it is! Next there should be a Tracy South Part Three ((as requested)) and some new ones for u!
I hope you enjoy and once again I apologize!

It all when down hill after the incident. It lost me my job at the mattress store and honestly some of my dignity. I mean being confronted by your boss while you are standing in complete shock while being soaked in water and not being able to explain how it happened...... Let's just say it's quite the embarrassing predicament. But as my daughters favourite cartoon character would say
"The past is in the past!!!!" (-Elsa Disney's Frozen)
So I
"Let it go!" (-Elsa Disney's Frozen)
and continued on with my life. Being the amazing sales woman that I am I decided to take up a job at the closest mall. Having the experience that I had didn't matter though most people looked at the record of "the incident" and said no way. After months of searching I was finally accepted for a position selling beauty products.
On this particular Friday I was already ready to call it a day. The after school crowd of Barbie doll looking teenage girls had left the booth leaving me with what should have been a mostly quiet end of my shift, but then a blond head peaked around the corner. My hands shook slightly at the sight of the small blond girl who looked all to familiar, almost identical to the one who had caused "the incident". Her grey eyes narrowed at me as if remembering a past memory. Another young girl peaked out from behind her, the young girls sun kissed completion and golden hair made her remarkably beautiful. I sighed remembering the stores policy "you must ask any young children where their parents are,".
"Hey there? Excuse me?" I said as calmly as I could "where are your parents?"
"Book store." The blond one said eyeing the fountain behind me.
"There!" The gold haired girl pointed to a couple standing in the next isle. The blond girl tugged the sleeve of her friend and nodded to the fountain. Then she turned to me.
"Lady, if your going to get in my way and get me in trouble with my mama for using my powers again you are wrong." She crossed her arms her stormy grey eyes staring me down. I opened and closed my mouth unable to speak, I glanced at my watch, 17:59, one minute till my shift was up.
"Give me two minutes to get out of the building." I gasps in a panicked voice terrified of having an other "incident" added to my resume.
After dashing out of the building and driving home I had a restless night, I knew that poor Lina James was not going to be coming back to work the shift after me the next day.

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