Chloe Larose

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Hey! I have news! I'm not dead! Soooooooo sorry for taking forever with an update I've had a crazy couple of weeks (okay maybe a crazy few mouths with like some life changing things like moving) so I haven't been able o keep up with my fanfictions and my original story's. But I have news for you! Because my chapter are always so short (once again sorry about that but when thy are short they are quick to whip up) I will be publishing one every Sunday, maybe I'll give you an early one if you're lucky! Oh and I have more news since I have a schedule I will be making time to go over my spelling from now on, because I feel bad for all of my past crappy spelling but in my defence I was writing at one or two in the morning:). So once again sorry for the long wait, hope you enjoy!
Love to all of you, I've missed you all so much

My mind raced, today was the day, the day I've been waiting for for weeks on end. The day I find out the names, the names of the three boys that my friend thought would be fit to go to homecoming with me. My friend, Caleb, had been making me wait for three weeks, and now it was finally Wednesday, which for once was my favourite day of the week. I was sitting in the cafeteria spinning my fork thorough my spaghetti nervously. I looked around, no sings of Caleb. I let out a sigh and slumped in my chair. I hate surprises, and waiting, so as you can tell this was killing me. 
"Hey, mind if we join you?" Asked a blond girl, she had stormy grey eyes and didn't really look like she was asking.
"Um sure?!" I said, she looked like she could easily beat me to a pulp so naturally I didn't want to mess with her. She and her companions sat down, a dark haired boy with beautiful sea green eyes that swirled with different coloured every now and then. The other girl had brown hair and eyes like kaleidoscope changing colours rapidly.  
"So were you waiting for someone?" The brown haired girl asks. I shrug
"Ya my friend, Caleb." She raises her eyebrows
"Caleb like Caleb fisher?" She asks
"The one and only,"
"Ah so you must be Chloe then." She smiles. I blinked a few times.
"How-how-how did you know?"
"He talks a lot about you." She winks. I felt me cheeks warm up and my lower jaw drop.
"He does?" She nods and smirks, the dark haired boy letting out a snicker.
"Close your mouth Chloe or are you trying to catch a fly?" Caleb's voice brought me out of my trance.
"Nothing!" I snapped quickly "what are the names!" I immediately asked. He blinked a few times and then seamed to hit a sudden realization.
"Right, come outside and I'll tell you."  I followed him out of the cafeteria after asking the others to save our seats.
"So, who?" I asked
He smirked "John and Dave." I glared at him, of course he'd pick the two loners out for me.
"What about my third option." I asked,
"Ah yes him, well he's handsome and kind, he likes you trust me I asked, he is smart but sometimes makes stupid comments." He looked at me ask if asking what I thought.
"He sounds perfect." I smiled  a little bit "who is he?"
A smirk was on his face. "Caleb Fisher."
I looked at him, "you?"
"Yes me." He took a step forward his eyes glancing to my lips and then back to my eyes.
"So what do you say?" I smiled
"Yes." And he pressed his lips to mine
I headed a laugh in the background
"Annabeth you owe me ten bucks! I win they kissed!"
"Not if you can't catch me seaweed brain!" The blonde girl ran and the dark haired boy chased after her. I shook my head holding in my anger, I hate people betting on me.

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