Gordon Freeman

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Hey sorry I haven't updated I've been busy lately, but here it is now hope u enjoy!!


I started stacking menus, it's my first day working at pizzeria la mela (tehe, sorry had to put that in! Just for your information pizzeria la mela means pizzeria the apple). Usually when u first get a job they give you a job as dishwasher boy. The people at this restaurant have got to be crazy I mean don't they know I got fired from my last job because I punched a customer? Let's just say I'm not a people person. It's like torture having to be around people, but hay the summer job was my moms idea not mine. Anyways once I finish stacking the menus I hear the bell ring. The bell on the door, the bell that means people are here to be seated. I walk over to the desk cautiously. Waiting for me is a beautiful girl all alone with no boyfriend, this might just be destiny.
"How can I help you" I ask her, hey it's my job I'm on duty now, I can flirt with her latter.
"A table please." She said stiffly, her eyes darting around the room.
"Preferably away from the windows."
I smile cute and kinda shy, yet still confident, I like that in a girl. I set her up at a table give her a menu then give her time to order. I seat several people after her but I make sure to treat her the best of them all. Unalloyed I get to see her agin when the time comes to take her order.
"What can I get you?" I ask her.
"A coke with ice, and a sprite for drinks. Then a pepperoni pizza, and a pasta ravioli a quatro fromagi."
"Do you shan't one of those as a side dish?" I question, she can't possibly eat all that food.
"Nope everything regular sized." I give a brief nod then go to give the order to the kitchen. When I come back with the drinks there's someone else at the table with the girl. He has black hair and sea green eyes, and I immediately pick up on the vibe that they are a couple. I smile as I put the drinks on the table then storm away. I should have known better then to think she was single, but still I fell like I have to have my revenge. Without loosing my job. I slide into the kitchen to pick up the order, I grab a container of supper extreme hot sauce, that stuff is so spicy it could probably kill someone. I sprinkle it over the guys pizza, I put extra on the pepperoni slices since it looks like grease anyways. I serve the couple.
"Enjoy!" I say. a few minutes later I find myself hiding in the bathroom feeling guilty, it turned out the couple had been sharing food, now they were both mad. I mean they didn't even leave a tip, I guess I deserve it but hey it was fun while it lasted.

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