Tracy South part 2

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I get lots of comments on this story so I decided to continue it. Hope you like it!

Out of all the things that have happened to me in my life, having to take my son to a psychiatrist and a therapist is probably the worst thing. I mean he's only in second grade, what second grader does that?? Mine does he has no friends, well he has one a little girl named Zoe Jackson, and well I don't exactly like her. A couple days ago when I was going to go pick Timmy up from the Jacksons house, the mother answered the door.
"Come in!" She said brightly, then she pulled me in and seated me on a couch.
"Sorry for that." She said "Im Annabeth Chase, and I can tell you are having some trouble with your son." She smiles
"Yes I am having a little." I confessed.
"Well this summer my daughter Zoe is going to a camp for... people like then." Annabeth looked up to make sure I was following.
"And well.... I think it would be good for Timmy, and it would give you a break." she finished. I thought about it, he would miss all the appointments I had already booked and payed for, no he wouldn't go I decided.
"Yes he is going." I said, what I thought to myself, wow I guess I really do new the break.
A few days latter Timmy was packed up and going to camp, it turns out it was free, Thank god. And would last the entire summer, thy meant I could just relax.
Today is the day that my Timmy is coming home, my hands are shaking I don't know if the camp will have helped or not. The car pulls up and he hops out waving goodbye then running up to the door. The door bell rings and I open it, he tackles me with a hug.
"Mommy mommy mommy," he says eyes bright.
"Guess what!" A normal kid sentence, I smile he had gotten better.
"What?" I answer
"I'm a child of the Greek god Apollo, he's daddy!!"
I fall to the floor and Timmy keeps talking nonsense. soon my world fades to black...
((She fainted))

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