Sara McLuhan Aphrodite and Piper McClean part 2

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Practically as soon as I walked in to Camp Half Blood I was claimed as a daughter of Aphrodite. Jason started giving me a tour of the camp.
"And last but not least these are the cabins!" He exclaimed spreading his arms out wide. I looked around at the cabins.
"Which one is mine?" I asked. He walked over to a pink cabin that reeked of perfume. I giggled,
"Really? I think I'll need a gas mask if I have to live in there!" He laughed.
"I bet you it's not half as bad as mine."  I cocked my head.
"Which ones yours?"
"I'll show you." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards a huge marble cabin. Once inside I could see what he meant, it was completely made of marble, with tall ceilings and a big marble statue of Zeus, it was cold to I felt like an icicle. I walked over to the tiny alcove where there were two beds.
"Yours and...?" I asked pointing to each bed.
"My sister's, Thalia, she's a hunter of Artemis though and doesn't stay here." He said coming up right behind me "so I'm all alone." He whispered in my ear.
"You aren't right now." I said turning around to face him, I hadn't realized how close he had been we were only a couple centimetres apart. He put one hand on my waist and the other cradled the back of my head.
"Your right," he said "and I plan on enjoying your company." He pulled me forward kissing me slowly, tenderly, and passionately. Warmth spread through my body, my hands raked through his soft blond hair. I felt like I was melting in his arms and soon, though I wasn't sure how, he had me pined against the wall holding me even closer to him then I even thought possible.
"Look at what you do to me Sara," he said shacking his head but smiling at the same time. I was about to ask what but he started kissing me even more tenderly than before and I felt like mush and all I could do was just kiss him back. There was a small creak in the background at some point, but I ignored it. I'm not sure how long we stayed like that, but it must have been a long long time.
My anger boiled apparently there was a part of the bet I had forgotten, it had to be a long term relationship. Sure I loved Piper she was one of my daughters of course, but so was Sara. So what was the difference with who got wonder boy? I swear if I wasn't the goddess of love I would die, I twisted some of Jason's memories of Piper in to bad ones and made happy one of him and Sara, which I also planted into Sara's pretty little head. Let's just say that some of the memories I had planted better make that boy pop the question soon, the memories will only last five years, plus I mean he was 19 for Petes sake! In Ancient Greece he would have been married way earlier!
It's been three weeks since the whole Jason thing, as I like to call it. He won't even speak to me, and I'm not sure why. Anyways I left camp for five years, I got a new boyfriend but he wasn't as good as Jason. When I got back I was informed that Jason had settled down and had kids, he and that girl had had triplets. My heart broke instantly, I didn't think it was possible for it to break any more. Jason laid his eyes on me and he look confused then his vision clouded he looked down at the four year old tugging on his pant leg slightly confused, then gazed at me the way he used to. I needed time to think, why would he look at me so tenderly again? I ran, into the forest and dove behind a rock and had a good long cry. I heard footsteps but didn't look up.
"Pipes?" It was Jason. "I'm sorry Pipes I don't know what happened, one minute I loved you then I hate u for no reason, then I was married!" His head picked out from behind the rock.
"None of this is your fault it's mine." He said crouching in front  of me. I looked up suddenly realizing it wasn't his fault either.
"No." I said "it wasn't your fault it was my mothers." I said, a look of realization washed over his face. He whipped the tears from my cheeks.
"Piper McClean I will never leave you ever again." He said I was about to remind him he was married but the he caressed my face and moved his hands to the back of my head and kissed me.
A week after Jason's divorce we got married, we had triplets a year later. I having always wanted four kids asked if we could have another, Jason said anything for me (he still felt bad). The only flaw in my plan was we had quintuplets...

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