Sara McLuhan, Aphrodite, & Piper McClean

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So this is going to be in three perspectives, the one in italics is Aphrodite, the one in bold is piper and the one that isn't is Sara. Enjoy!
I watched the two couples closely, carefully hidden in the bushes. Now it may sound like I'm stocking them but I'm not, this is my job I'm Aphrodite the goddess of love, at the moment I was scouting out two couples who were on a double date. The one couple was my prized possession, my masterpiece; Percabeth. They were perfect together, and even if I love to mess with love, take it away, give it back, and what not; with them I can't, they are just to perfect! Then there was Jasper, they we're okay I guess, but I could definitely mess with them. My daughter piper deserves better than Jason, but of course she won't listen!  Jason was supposed to be with someone else, plus I made a bet with Zeus that Jason would end up with Sara.... And I'm not keen on loosing the bet.
We walked into the restaurant arm in arm, the smell of food wafted up my nose. We were on a double date with Percy and Annabeth, and I personally couldn't wait for it to start, it was going to be so much fun! Once we got seated and ordered our food we started talking.
"So," Percy said holding Annabeth's hand over the table "I can't wait to go back to camp tomorrow."
"Ya, I love it there." Reply Annabeth.
Piper smiled "me to." She agreed.
Jason looked confused, then nodded his head. He didn't talk, laugh or anything through the dinner, he just noodles and shook his head. At the end of the meal I pulled him outside before desert was served.
"What is your problem?" I asked heatedly. Jason's brow furrowed.
"My problem? My problem, what problem, I'm not the one yelling for no reason!" He stated angrily. I took s deep breath you haven't been talking to anyone all night." I said trying to stay calm.
"Well maybe I don't want to talk." He muttered. I saw someone running away across the street but ignored it and focused on Jason.
"Why don't u want to say anything? I u don't want to be here just go!" She screamed
"My pleasure!" He snarled and ran down the street. I started shaking fighting back tears, and hurried inside.
"What happened?" Asked Annabeth,
"Where's Jason?" Questioned Percy.
And that's all it took I broke down crying.
"I don't know where Jason is, he left," I sobbed.
"Percy go pay the bill, I'll calm her down." Annabeth said. She pulled me outside, and u told her what happened.
I sat on a park bench reading my book, when I felt someone staring at me. I wasn't surprised honestly I've been told many times that I'm sizzling hot, that I'm a super model, and even once that I was hot enough to fry an egg on. But right now I wasn't in the mood to deal with the boys in my neighbourhood, trust me none of them are hot. Plus my father had just dropped a huge bomb on me, apparently I'm a demigod and will be going to a camp for people like me tomorrow, lucky me right! Ya; no. But I also knew that if I didn't tell them to stop stating they never would. I looked up expecting to see Kyle, Graham, or Jace, but I didn't. This guy was obviously not from around here, because he was hot! He had blond hair and striking blue eyes, his blue eyes stared, and my green ones stared back.
"hey." I said after a while.
"Hey." He said "can I umm sit?" He asked. My heart pounded faster, " ya sure I said. He smiled and we talked for a while. Then I noticed the tattoo.
"Isn't SPQR like a Roman Empire thing," I muttered, he flipped his arm over. Then my brain clicked an my eyes widened.
"Your a demigod to?!" I asked, a look of shock flooded his face, then it broke into a smile.
"Ya" he said, I looked at my watch, it was 9:25, perfect just enough time for me to show him the beautiful sunset we have here at 9:30. I jumped to my feet.
"Come on I want to show you something." He got to his feet and took off running. He looked at the sun setting over the water and gasped.
" I've never shown anyone this." I confessed.
"Really?" He said surprise "not even your boyfriend." I smiled "I don't have one. What about u?" I asked he frowned.
"I just broke up with her."
"Oh I'm sorry." I said, looking at the sunset not sure what to say.
"No it's better this way." He said. Suddenly his head blocked my veiw, and his lips were on mine. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer, trapping my arms against is very muscular chest. I melted in his hold an kissed him back. I have to say that it was exactly how is imagined my first kiss.
I smile from where I was watching, no doubt about it I had won the bet. I slunk back to mount Olympus to watch what happened next from their.
I hadn't been able to find Jason all day at camp, apparently he was showing a new camper around. This gave me the perfect opportunity to places gift and apology letter in his cabin. Slowly I opened the door, nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. Jason was, umm what the expression... Oh right, stuck together like glue with another girl. They were kissing, no, making out, slowly I slid out of the cabin, I felt sick. How could Jason do that to me?

End of part one

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