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Jacob's POV-

Kitty stares at the device in her hands for the longest time. A look of sheer terror is evident on her pretty face, but the angle she holds her phone discloses no reasoning. I observe her face for a moment, watching her pupils flit from side to side and back again. As I move to place my hand gently on her shoulder, she leaps up off the bed.

"Kitty. What's wrong?" I question, my concern heightening.

Before I can even hope to get an answer of her she bolts from the room at record speed, gone in the blink of an eye. For a second I stare blindly at the door in pure confusion, but I soon snap out of my daze and make chase.

By the time I reach the foot of the stairs the front door is swinging wildly on its hinges. That girl can shift, I'll give her that. The icy air steals my breath when I burst through the open door, but nevertheless, I break into a sprint in the general direction which she disappeared into the trees but have no luck catching her. I search the grounds for Kitty high and low yelling her name at the top of my lungs, but it appears she's long gone.

Letting out a defeated grunt, I slam the front door, nearly shaking the entire house in the process.

Was I too forward? Did I scare her?

Maybe I was, but I've been desperately trying to get close to her. All it takes is for me to think about her, and I harden with want and need. A long time has passed since I've been intimate with another woman, despite what people say. Ever since the day I realised I'd lost Emma, I found it difficult to secure any serious relationships.

The guys say its because I come across as overprotective, bordering controlling, but I have my reasons. I let Emma down, and I wasn't there to protect her when she needed me the most. I'm not about to let it happen to another person I care for.

With this in mind, I snatch up my phone from the bedside table and scroll through my address book, until I find Kitty's contact details. I call her, and of course, as expected, no one answers. My fingers move at speed whilst I tap at the screen, before hitting send. Then I collapse hard on the bed and wait for a reply that will likely take forever to come.

Hunter's POV-

During the time it took us to drive back to the house, my sister barely spoke a word to me. I'd tried to get her to spill the beans why she stood on the roadside bawling her eyes out in the pouring rain, but she ignored me, continuing to stare out of the passenger window as if I weren't there. She is definitely unhappy about something, that much is for sure. However I know my sister, and she's a private person, likes to keep stuff bottled inside. She's unlikely to talk to me, even if I ask her what's going on in her head.

So I concentrate on driving, my eyes glued to the road until we eventually reach our home. Kitty is the first to slip out of the car and through the front door without a word. I sigh heavily and follow after her.

"Do you want me to make you something to eat?" I ask her as we stand in the living room, facing one another.

She turns her head sheepishly, obviously to avoid eye contact with me, and mumbles under her breath, "No, I think I want to go to bed."

"Ok," I agree reluctantly, watching her disappear from view at the top of the stairs.

Once I've kicked my trainers off, I slump down onto the sofa, allowing the cushions to engulf me in their warmth. The house feels vastly different since mum left, and even more so that dad's no longer here. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't overwhelmed by it all, having to fill the mature responsible adult role. I mean, Kitty certainly isn't a child, but I can't help but feel the need to protect her. Being her big brother I guess that's normal.

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