A Pictures Worth A Thousand Words

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As I stare wide-eyed at the front door, I can't stop my jaw from hitting the floor.

What the hell is that supposed to mean? He's going to watch me?! What a creep! It crosses my mind to consider contacting the police as I watch the front door slam shut behind his retreating back, but technically he's done nothing wrong. Hunter invited him into our house. The idiot.

Why would Jacob, or anyone for that matter want to watch someone who leads as much of a boring life as me?

An image of Jacob being close again suddenly materialises in my mind. I shudder still feeling his breath on my face. My heart flutters like a butterfly inside my chest, trying to escape its cage. Inhaling the air deeply, I concentrate for a minute on attaining a steady breathing rate.

Why did him being near me affect me in this way?

"What did he want to talk to you about Kit-Kat?"

Hunter's holler comes from a good couple of meters distance from me. And it's a damn good job because at this present moment in time I seriously want to rip his balls off. He was responsible for the incident that occurred.

Yes, I'm calling my conversation with Jacob Wilde an incident. It's certainly not something I want to repeat any time in the future.

"Erm Kitty?" He prods and I can sense the unnerve in his tone.

There's a rage brewing deep in the pit of my stomach since I've managed to calm myself. The calm before the storm so to say.

Using my foot as a pivot, I spin to come face to face with Hunter. Though he towers above me in height, his eyes widen when he sees the blazing fire evident in my eyes.

"Now, now Kit-Kat," he chides, holding both hands in front of him like he can cast an invisible wall of protection between us.

The growl that I produce swiftly warns him that I'm pissed off, and before I can even attempt to stop myself I've lunged across the room at him. His mouth forms a noise somewhere amidst a shriek and a cackle, and he whirls round to make a hasty escape, before racing towards the stairs. Leaping after him, I make chase like my life depends on it. Running isn't my forte, but I've gotten quite fast, having had no choice but to run a few times in my past.

"Hunter!" I screech, flying down the narrow hallway that I know leads to his bedroom.

Wooden floorboards creak and groan under the pressure of our pounding feet. So close yet so far, I glare hard as his poster clad door swings open and he disappears in a flash, to the safety and sanctity of his room. The familiar sound of the latch clicking into position tells me that it is locked, but I still kick it in anger. Then instantly regret my stupid decision when a spasm of pain travels through my foot.

"Hunter!" I roar at the sealed door, "I'm going to kill you when you come out of there!"

"Well, I'm not planning on coming out anytime soon!" His voice muffles as it travels through the wooden door, "so good luck with that little sister!"

The teasing in his voice infuriates me further but there's nothing I can do right now. I should be used to it, but being my brother he knows the right buttons to press to antagonise me.

Dropping my head to the floor defeated, I catch a glimpse of the silver watch hanging limply from my skinny wrist. Oh shit! I have only thirty minutes to get ready and travel to the club for my photoshoot. Did Ivan really have to arrange it for a school day?

After showering and washing my hair in record time, I rub it vigorously with a towel to take out the excess damp. Ivan had specifically asked me not to wear any make-up so I leave my face clean and apply some moisturiser. I throw on a pair of skinny jeans and a grey turtleneck and check the time again. Twenty minutes to get there, that's doable.

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