Don't You Know It's Rude To Stare

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I awake abruptly, my alarm clock shrieking on the table beside me. It's gradually rising higher and higher on the list of sounds I despise most in the world. That's including taking into account my older brother when he snores like a warthog. Unfortunately, the noise indicates to me that its time for me to get out of my pit. Whilst groaning aloud, I pull the covers off me, revealing my favourite 'My Little Pony' pyjamas to the world.

I trudge down the hallway unable to stifle a wide yawn as I come to a halt outside my brother's bedroom door. The door itself boasts an elaborate display of artist posters ranging from Katy Perry to Avenged Sevenfold. When mum was still here, her and Hunter would constantly argue about 'those godforsaken images' ruining her beautiful paintwork.

I guess Dad doesn't care these days.

I knock twice on the door and it creaks open a fraction as though it has a mind of its own.

"Hunter! It's time to get up" I holler at the top of my lungs so I'm certain he will hear me.

"Five more minutes!" His gruff voice replies.

Why do we have to go through this same scenario everyday?

"You'll be late for work if you leave it any longer, you know how long it takes you to get ready!"

That's not even a joke. Every morning I ensure I'm in the bathroom before him otherwise I'd be waiting around all morning. He takes way longer than any female I know. And guys say girls take a long time to get ready.

"OK," comes his incoherent grumble, and he sighs heavily to himself . He clambers out of bed, and as usual creates as much noise as humanly possible.

It's a hard life, isn't it?

Jogging to the bathroom I chuckle to myself, eager to occupy the room before my brother. The heat from the shower feels amazing against my skin as I allow it to flow freely over my body. I wrap myself in a dry towel and climb out of the tub, flexing my toes on the bathmat beneath my feet.

I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the small mirror that clings at a constant slant, to the cream tiled walls. It stares back and I can't help but grimace when I see the black mascara trailing down my face in messy streaks. I'd been way too tired to take my makeup off last night before collapsing into my awaiting bed.

I've worked at On Safari for just over three weeks and I'm settling into the job. Last night had been particularly interesting in comparison to my previous shifts. While I and 'Jessica Rabbit' had been strutting our stuff on stage and grinding the pole, Ivan decided it would be a good idea to turn the drinks hose on us. Well, one of the regulars dared him. Genius right?

The stunt was a huge success as the large crowd of noisy men threw notes of varying value towards the stage. Thoroughly soaked, and wearing nothing but sparkly corset tops and teeny-weeny skirts, I remember Jessica giving me a sly grin as she continued the performance, grinding her stunning figure up against my body and making suggestive noises into her microphone. Giggling, she had held a jug of water (that Ivan had kindly supplied) high above my head and with one swift flick of her wrist, the icy water smothered me. Well, so much for waterproof mascara...

Steam escapes the bathroom as I open the door, probably from the exceptional temperature I've had the shower set to, I'm a sucker for heat. Hunter steps in through the fog and I find myself face to face with him in the cramped area. He looks a shambles. His shaggy mop of bed hair sticks up in all directions and his eyes partially closed, sleep deprived. Polar opposite to the usual pristine boyband image he portrays. Standing in front of me in just a pair of grey striped boxers he gives me a grin.

"Morning panda," he chuckles pushing past me to dive into the bathroom.

I narrow my eyes at him whilst wiping the remnants of makeup from my face.

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