Chapter 12

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I was laying down at this point, having just dropped my life story into Zayn's lap. While he was kind enough to listen patiently, I was already feeling embarrassed about laying myself bare, especially over some guy. I was out of breath from saying so many words in so little time. I kept my eyes closed, exhaling as I sat up. I opened my eyes to meet Zayn's gaze; his eyes were mixed with amusement and an emotion I couldn't recognize.

"So," I broke the silence. "What do you think? Am I nuts?" 

Zayn laughed lightly. "Yeah, you're crazy. I don't see what the big problem is. So, he runs in a different circle. I get it. It's... Like, appealing and scary. Like, how cool that he knows Ed Sheeran but how, like, scary that he knows Ed Sheeran?"

"Exactly!" I said, pointing a finger at him.

Zayn nodded, taking a sip of his beer.

I sighed dramatically, "What do you think I should do?" 

"Well..." he thought for a moment. "There really isn't much you can do. I don't know why you're worrying so much. Do you think you're not good enough for him now?"

I put my head in my hands, sighing. "I barely thought I was good enough for him before all this shit."

He laughed again and shifted himself on my bed to put his arm around me and pat me on the back. "I know things seem a little confusing, but that's because of all this," he took the half-empty beer bottle from my hand. "Listen, Mel, you're a ten. You're a beautiful girl," my cheeks flushed a bit at that and I hoped he couldn't see, "And on top of all that you're smart and funny. You're passionate and independent-"

"I'm not a six foot tall, beautifully tanned, California girl, though," I said softly.

"So? Who says that's what he wants?" Zayn argued, grabbing the phone out of my hand. "I know this is hard because you, like, don't like being vulnerable and all that, but it's really... Worth it, I think. You should really... Give this a try. If he makes you happy..."

"You think so? Am I being absolutely ridiculous?" I asked.

"I think you're scared, Mel," he smiled softly. "And I know a tough girl like you would never say those words, but you sure are actin' like it."

"Yeah, yeah," I nodded a bit. "I... I guess so."

"You know what I think you should do?"


"Go for it. Love's, like, a-"

"I'm not in love with him, Zayn," I argued, cutting him off.

He smirked a bit, rolling his eyes. "You might as well be, the way you're actin' and that." 

I scoffed, waving him off and putting my head on his shoulder. "When did it all get so confusing?"

He rubbed up and down my arm. "I dunno, Mel. I dunno..." 

Suddenly, the door swung open, and Zayn and I both sprang into an upright position. I felt like we had been caught. It wasn't that we were doing anything wrong, I just didn't want anyone else to see me so helpless. 

Niall just laughed though, swaying back and forth in our doorway. I threw a pillow at him. "What do you want, Ni?" I growled.

He held his hands up in defense. "Just tellin' ye the ball's dropping in ten minutes... Didn't know you had a new boy over. I'll be sure to tell Harreh," he slurred at us. 

Zayn got up right away, literally jumping to my defense. "No need. We're just friends from school. I'm Zayn," he reached his hand out for a shake, which was enthusiastically accepted. 

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