Chapter 26

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The rest of my three-day weekend went by like that, aside from me taking breaks to work. We were just together all the time, and I wasn't even a little bit getting tired of waking up to Harry's snoring every morning. But as Tuesday reared it's ugly head, so did the crippling reality that I had a full day of classes and work ahead of me. After babysitting Monday afternoon, I was sat at my desk in my bedroom trying to do all the assignments and readings I had been avoiding for three days in one night. 

A hot cup of coffee was placed on the desk next to me, breaking my concentration. I looked over my shoulder to see Harry, back from the gym, in one of those form-fitting white workout shirts that was proving to be very distracting. His curly locks were covered by a gray beanie

"Hey," he said, kissing me on the cheek.

"Hi! How was the gym?"

"It was alright... Abs today," he patted his hard stomach. "My card wasn't working, so it had to be this whole ordeal. They still let me work out."

"Oh, what was the problem?"

"I dunno," he shrugged. "How were the kiddies?" 

"They were fucking shit," I spat, sitting back in my chair. 

Harry sat down on my bed across from me. "What happened?"

"I picked up Robbie from school and he wouldn't stop crying. Then we got home and he refused to eat his dinner, but ate instead seven... Literally seven fudge pops. And then he just wouldn't do his homework. And his sister gets home and she doesn't wanna do her work either."

"Those kids love you, though."

I scoffed. "Well, of course they do! I'm a phenomenal babysitter. They're just little shits in return. It's their parents, mostly.It's not their fault. I just can't believe the shit they get away with saying... Like... Like, 'shit'! Back in my day—"

I was cut off by Harry's booming laughter. "Back in your day, Miss Twenty-Year-Old?" 

"Yes, I am twenty years old." 

"You are anything but old, Melissa," he said, rolling his eyes playfully. 

I nudged his knee with mine. "Gee, thanks. You're not so old, either."

"Hell no, I'm twenty-one and just begun, baby," he said, cracking his gum with a huge smirk on his face. 

"I wish I had that attitude," I said, cracking my neck that was strained from staring at my laptop the last few hours. "I'm already feeling stressed out constantly and I haven't even begun a real career plan yet. I'm always tired and I'm only working part-time jobs."

"Careers are for chumps," he said, grabbing my arm and tugging me out of my seat. I happily jumped on top of him, straddling him. "I thought you wanted to be an author?"

I thought for a second. "I mean, yeah... Maybe. Like, as a side thing. I mean that's what I really want to do, but it's not a career. Like, William Carlos Williams was a phenomenal writer, but he was also a doctor."

"Well," he exhaled. "I think you can do whatever you set your mind to. And that you're impeccably talented. And pretty."

I kissed him once, humming a thank you into his mouth. "Yeah... Really, though... What do you want to do when you get older?" 

He kissed me back, biting onto my bottom lip a bit. He mumbled into my mouth, "I'm never getting older." 

I giggled, pulling back a bit as Harry's teeth tried desperately to keep my lips attached to his. "You are getting older, though. It's almost time to make those kinds of decisions." 

When Love Arrives (H.S.)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ