Chapter 31

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Things had quickly started to heat up between Harry and I right then, but he pumped the breaks before things could get too serious, as he always did.

I whined when he pulled away and rolled off from on top of me. Both of our shirts were off, pants unbuttoned, and we laid side by side, staring at the ceiling.

"Why did you stop?" I asked quietly, my breath too even to talk much louder.

Harry exhaled dramatically as he stood up to his feet, stretching with his back towards me. I rolled onto my side, watching as the toned muscles in his back contracted and expanded again.

I hummed in appreciation, causing him to turn around with a small smile.

"Would ye stop gawkin' at me, yeah?" Harry said, his cheeks turning a bit red. I loved the way his accent got so much stronger when he was embarrassed.

"I can't help it," I said, laying on my back again and throwing my arm across my eyes so I wouldn't look anymore. This also left my chest out on full display and I could feel Harry's eyes roaming over my body, their stare almost as hot as his hands.

"Ugh, Melissa," he groaned in frustration.

"Come back to bed..." I said quietly, moving my arm from my fave to look at him.

He looked like he was almost going to for a second, but stopped himself. "No!" he said. "No, woman!" he playfully pointed at me.

"No, woman?" I said, pretending to be offended. "Is that what you're calling me now?" I shot up onto my knees and crossed my arms.

He was laughing now, a bit nervously as I made my way over to him, grabbing him by the belt loops of his pants and pulling him towards me. Smiling at my abrupt action, he closed the space between us and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tried to keep him this close to me. Skin rubbing against skin, our lips intertwined, his finger tips gripping my hips.

"No," he murmured, pushing me away a bit.

"Why not?" I pouted.

He poked my nose playfully. "Because you have class tomorrow, and homework to do... And it's already almost midnight."

I bit my lip, realizing that he was right as I glanced over at my alarm clock. I had to study for a big test I had tomorrow and, if I was being honest, I hadn't really started yet. Still, though, I found myself tracing the outline of his toned abs with just my eyes and could allow myself to forget about it.

"It can wait?" I suggested, with a shrug of my shoulders.

Harry shook his head at me. "You are crazy... And I don't want you to go all night without sleeping. I refuse to be a distraction!"

I laughed, getting up and putting my shirt back on as he walked out of the room. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to take a cold shower..." he said, winking at me. "Then I will go get you some coffee, and then I'm going to come home and get some sleep."

"That's sweet," I said, gathering my books and following him out into the living room. "But I have coffee here."

"I know that, but you like a shot of espresso when you have to study, so I'll go to that late-night cafe around the block," he called out from the bathroom, not bothering to close the door as he undressed and turned on the shower.

I couldn't help but sneak a peek as he stood naked waiting for the water to be warm enough. As nice as the view was, I had to ask, "Aren't you going to close the door?"

He turned his whole body towards me, so my eyes could only look at one thing... And gave me his cheekiest grin. "I just want to know you're okay while I'm showering."

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