Chapter 23

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The semester was in full swing and it was getting to the point of the term when my body goes into autopilot.  The days kind of start blending together: Wake up... Drink Coffee... Go to class... Drink coffee... Go to work... Drink coffee... Stay up most of the night doing homework... While drinking coffee. 

The big difference this semester was, of course, Harry.  He knows how busy I am, and that school is a priority of me, but I was getting a little antsy about the fact that I hadn't seen him since the semester started.  He's been with his dad, mostly, but he's also been hanging out with friends.  I know California has a lot more than I have to offer, but I was hoping we would be back by now. 

Today's officially been a month since we started dating... A fact that generally wouldn't mean much to me if I had seen Harry in the last few weeks, and a fact that I wouldn't have even remember if Erica hadn't reminded me that morning before class.  Who would have thought I would become the girl sitting in front of her computer screen waiting for her boyfriend to call?  I was sat wearing the flannel he left in my room, just because it kind of still smelled like him.  The whole thing made me a little sick, but I was trying to focus on how, despite all this, I was still insanely happy and content and not stressed out about things between us.

I was growing annoyed, honestly, because I was frustrated and stressed about school and I missed my boyfriend and desperately needed to blow off some steam.  I was trying to write an essay, but Harry and I made a date to Face-time that was meant to start thirty minutes ago... And, while we talk everyday, he's never punctual about it, which drives me insane. 

My spring break starts in two weeks, and Harry promised he would be back by then because that's when he could get a reservation at the hotel he likes to stay at.  I had told him that he could come and stay at my apartment but he didn't want to pressure me into doing anything sexual if I wasn't ready... Which is ridiculous because (1) he slept over literally every night we were dating when he was still here while keeping my virginity in tact and (2) I was so wound up that I felt like I was just about as ready as I could get.  I went twenty years without anything remotely sexual and then as soon as I'm exposed to it he just up and—

My phone finally ringing interrupted my train of thought. I answered it to see Harry on the screen, he was walking around outside for some reason. 

He was wearing, from what I could tell, a white button down shirt with some sort of green sweater over it.  His curls were still shorter than I was used to on his head and he looked quite young.

"Hi, babe!" he said, smiling wildly at me, seeming uncharacteristically enthusiastic considering it was before noon where he was.

"Hey!  I can't believe you agreed to call me so early for you," I said, positioning my phone so I wouldn't have to hold it.

"Well, I don't know if you know this, but today is a very special day..." he trailed off.

I felt my cheeks turning red, and I quickly positioned my hands to cover them so Harry wouldn't tease me.  But... He remembered.  I was properly gushing.  "What's today?" I asked.

Harry cleared his throat. "Well... today is the anniversary of the day that the best girl in the whole entire world started dating the best guy in the world... Officially."

"Oh," I said, trying my best to hide my smile. "Is it Erica and Niall's anniversary, again?  I guess I can figure where they've been all day, then."

Harry let out a loud laugh, and I shushed him since he must have looked like a proper crazy person laughing to himself while walking around. "Very funny, Melissa."

"Where are you going, anyways?"

"Oh, just taking a walk.  I can only stand to be around Des for so long, you know?"

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