Chapter 14

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"Melissa!" I heard a voice yell. "Melissa!" 

Then came the usual question that comes with my throat burning, head throbbing and stomach churning: What the fuck happened last night? I'm sure I've mentioned that I'm not one for going out, and being hungover is mostly the reason why. 

My eyes shot open, my pulse increasing rapidly to match the pounding one in my head. I let out a breath, taking in the familiar surroundings of my bedroom. I was alone, which was good, and, unlike other hungover mornings I had, I didn't feel any regret or embarrassment. I felt at peace. 

"MUH-LISS-UH!" I heard the voice again, yelling and knocking on my door now. 

With an aggravated sigh, I flung myself out of bed with all the energy I could muster and swing open my door to see that cheeky fucker at my door at what must have been the crack of down. 

"What the fuck do you want, Niall?" I said, pushing past him and out into the kitchen, as there was no use going back to bed now. I put on a pot of coffee. 

"Whoa, watch yer mouth there, miss!" he said, smirking at me.

I rolled my eyes. "I have a headache. Shouldn't you be bothering Erica?"

"Har-har," Niall spouted sarcastically. "She just left, actually. I thought Harry would be in yer room," he elbowed me in the rib-cage as he was helping himself to some of our food. God, he was annoying. Especially in the morning.

"No, he's not. You heard me tell him he couldn't sleep over last night," I said, glaring at him. He had been teasing Harry and I about our "PDA" and suggested that we "take it back to my place", but I definitely wasn't ready for anything like that. That was the first time I had seen Harry in weeks and I was completely wasted. It was... phenomenal.i

"I know that. I just thought y'all were getting breakfast in the morning," he said as he buttered his toast. 

I thought about for a second, a few memories from the night before tricking back into my memory...

* * * *

"Harry... Harry... Ha-Harry!" I said through giggles as he kissed my neck in the apartment kitchen, counting them off as he went... "Twenty-seven... Twenty-eight... Twenty-nine."

"I have to get a cab," I said, trying to resist him.

"No..." he said, his hands wrapped around my waist in protest. "I'll carry you back, Mel. Please."

I removed his hands from my waist and kissed his cheek. Erica and Niall were ready to go, too... I'm sure Niall was sleeping over. We all took the elevator downstairs, and I really wanted to invite Harry to sleep over, too, but I just couldn't. It was different when he slept their last time. It was, like, an accident. Now it was different. I was drunk and I wanted him... Badly. In ways that I couldn't understand... Well, I mean, in ways that I have not experienced.

I was exhausted, anyway, so I wouldn't even be able to do anything but sleep. It was nearly 3 am... Way past my bedtime. Zayn had left hours ago. Smart boy. 

Niall tried to hail down a cab outside and Erica, Harry and I were stood in front of the door. After minutes of us laughing at Niall's flailing, he finally found one and I turned to say goodbye to Harry. 

He took my face in his hands. "I don't want this night to end..." he told me, rubbing my cheeks with his thumbs.

"Me neither..." I said with my eyes closed, leaning into his touch. I could have fallen asleep right there. Much better than my bed. "I'm... Really drunk, though. I'm not being fun."

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